
Ways to get pregnant with a baby boy

If you are trying to conceive a baby, you should know that there are several things you can do at home to help you achieve this goal. These things aren’t that hard, but they do require planning, patience, a little diligence, and the right tools. Fortunately, many of them are things you’ll already be doing in an attempt to conceive. You’ll just adjust them a bit to tilt the odds in your favor of getting the guy you want. Let’s go for it.

Timing your conception to occur at the end of your fertility cycle to conceive a boy: Most people know that the time of conception will influence the sex of their baby, but not everyone understands why. The sperm produced by a baby boy and a girl are very different from each other. Girl sperm are the slow, small, but unyielding and resilient warriors, while boy sperm are very fast, but they are also just as quick to burn up and die, making them much more vulnerable.

So if you want a boy, time becomes extremely important. Because, if it’s too early, the male sperm are vulnerable to weakness or die if they have to wait for the egg. In the best case scenario, the boy’s sperm is fresh and ready to go when the egg is released. This is more likely to happen on the day of ovulation or the day after.

Many people are happy to guess this, but don’t. Because this step is too important to ignore. I recommend using saliva ovulation predictors, but urine works too. Find a method that alerts you when ovulation is approaching so you can be ready to jump in when the time is right.

Ways to have sex to have a baby boy: So, we have discussed when to send the boy’s sperm to the egg, now we will discuss how to do this and why it is important. Again, remembering that male sperm are extremely vulnerable, you want your exposure between release and egg to be as short and quick as possible. The best way to do this is to use sexual positions that allow for deep penetration. (Remember to do this on the day of ovulation, or at the latest the day after. Even a day before or a day after can make a difference.)

How (and why) to alkalize your body (lower your PH and acidity) to have a baby boy: I have covered when and how to bring the child’s sperm to the promised land of conception. Now, I will cover the last but equally important step. This is creating an environment that won’t kill these guys before they get a chance. Because the sperm that will give you a child cannot thrive for long if your vaginal PH is too high. Most women will need to get it down, however one way to make sure is to use PH test strips. This will tell you how alkaline you are naturally and how much you will need to adjust this before you are ready to conceive a boy.

How do you retouch? There are some ways. You can follow a low PH or alkalizing diet and/or you can shower with solutions that lower acidity. A friend of mine who has interstitial cystitis (bladder sensitivity) told me that the boy’s diet was actually quite similar to the low-acid diet she follows because acidic foods irritate her bladder.

The shower part is also usually not as bad as you might think. The solutions are more than just baking soda and water, but you usually don’t have to do this for very long (especially if you’re using the diet at the same time) until you’re optimal.

Putting it all together: Hopefully you can see that none of these steps are too difficult. The key is to approach each of them methodically, because doing so will give you the best chance (up to about 94% if you play your cards right) of success. It really is just a matter of having a plan, having the tools, and having the discipline to follow it.

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