
Training your Goldendoodle

I know many of you may not want to hear this, but you are responsible for making a commitment to train your Goldendoodle to behave properly at home, when guests are visiting, and on the go. Unless taught, your pup doesn’t know right from wrong.

And this can only be achieved with dedication and repetition, repetition and more repetition! Dogs don’t fail. . . owners fail their dogs.

How to treat your new puppy

First, treat your puppy from the day you bring him home as if he were an adult. What I mean by this? Your cute little 15 to 20 pound Goldendoodle puppy is going to grow up (quickly!) into a big dog.

Do not allow or sanction any behavior in your puppy that you would not allow an adult dog to do. For example, it’s so cute when your new puppy jumps on you for attention! It’s disgusting, not to mention dangerous, when six months later, your eight-month-old Goldendoodle puppy has just knocked someone to the ground!

Labradoodle and Goldendoodle breeder Michael Waggenbach of Sunshine Acres says it best: “Training is vital because if they’re not challenged, boredom gets them into trouble. I have to keep them challenged. I tell people, a well-trained dog is a happy family”.

have honest expectations

He adds, “When you bring a puppy home, a lot of times people have this glorious idea that they’re going to bring this puppy home and it’s perfectly trained. It’s not! They need to train it!”

And there are people who give up after three days of not sleeping. They think they have the worst dog in the world! Therefore, I think it would be good to clarify these expectations. When you bring a puppy home, it’s not going to be all that you want it to be.”

Therefore, house crate training should be one of your first priorities when training your Goldendoodle. A crate is helpful, but stock up on carpet cleaner, deodorizer, and some puppy training pads, as accidents are inevitable.

You will also train in basic good manners. There are many puppy training classes available at a variety of levels. Check the yellow pages or ask someone at your local pet store, because it’s best to get a referral or recommendation.

There will be times in your Goldendoodles life when it is critical to their safety that they obey your commands. Make sure they are trained to know that obeying you is not optional!

As you can see, the problem of training your Goldendoodle is not uncommon and by committing to training you will make your life much easier when dealing with your new puppy.

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