Tours Travel

Three steps to welcome

What a conversation! A British gentleman who works in global logistics, his American artist wife who recently became a mother, an Australian event coordinator and myself. Four different cultures – and different points of view.

We’re talking about the service we receive at retailers, banks, restaurants, hotels, and airlines around the world. Each of us had very different opinions on what constitutes “good service”.

The logistics guy likes it fast and efficient; jokes are incidental. The cheerleader wants time to poke around before she approaches her and feels “rushed” if someone gets too close, too soon. The Australian feels the opposite. She wants attention right away or she’s out the door. And me? I like the “human touch”: a smile, a friendly tone of voice, a twinkle in the eye.

Our differences are not surprising given our backgrounds. But what a challenge for committed service providers! You can create a customer service culture that works.

Should your customer service culture be reserved and polite, or outgoing and friendly? Should it be fast and efficient, or personal and attentive? Should you initiate contact and offer help immediately, or discreetly wait until requested?

What pleases one customer can easily annoy another. But you have to do something. So what should I do?

Under one person’s preferences and another’s, I found “Three Steps to Welcoming” that always apply when establishing a customer service culture:

1. Recognize the person

2. Make a positive gesture

3. Make an offer to help

Acknowledging the person means letting them know that you know they are there. This can be done with a simple eye contact, a nod of the head, or a momentary opening of the hand. The best style to choose will depend on the customer service culture of your establishment.

Have you ever been in a store with sales people who completely ignored you? Did he feel uncomfortable while talking on the phone or invisible while talking to each other?

Have you ever been happy to wait several minutes while an employee helps another person, because she first recognized you with a small nod, a raised eyebrow, or a smile?

It doesn’t take much to recognize another person. But it requires something. A small gesture makes a difference and can establish a customer service culture that drives business.

Making a positive gesture does not mean waving your hands and yelling “Go ahead!” That could be a good customer service culture for a carnival or a bustling street on a busy night. But theater may be out of place in government offices, hospitals, or jewelry stores.

At the government service desk, a positive gesture might simply be, “Next, please.” In a museum or a nice restaurant, a slight bend from the waist is enough. In a retail store, the sweep of your hand invites shoppers to browse freely and establishes a customer service culture that is warm and welcoming.

Extending an offer of help is easy when you say, “How can I help you?” “Your passport please” “Good morning. My name is Ron.” In silence, two open hands mean “I’m here to help you”. A guiding palm says “Come this way” or “Take a seat.”

Your “Three Steps to Welcoming” will depend on where you work, who you serve, and what reputation you want to build. This may require adjustment before selecting the right customer service culture to adopt.

When Giordano clothing stores first opened, staff were overly excited, encouraging new customers and scaring timid ones out of the store. Today, Giordano’s has refined its customer service culture and welcoming process to an elegant dance of body language, gestures, facial expressions and spoken words. They watch customers closely and see how they react. The staff knows when to slow down and let new shoppers browse, and when to step up with personalized attention.

American Express went too far with its initial Platinum Card phone service. Caller ID allowed Amex to know who was calling and answer the phone using the customer’s name. But customers were surprised to be called by name before they showed up. (Amex now only uses your name after you’ve said it yourself once.)

Raffles Hotel understands that too much service can turn into unpleasant service. Their customer service culture is subtle, but extremely effective. A personal welcome from the chef, manager, hostess, every waiter and busboy will sink the best of hospitality intentions into your dinner. Raffles’ CEO likens his serving style to “a gentle breeze,” calming him down when he wants it to, but never blowing too hard in his face.

Key learning point for establishing a customer service culture that works

Everyone who enters your workplace should be given recognition, positive gestures, and an offer of appropriate assistance.

action steps

Survey customers of all kinds: old and young, men and women, rushed and laid back, on a budget or on the go. Ask them how they like to be greeted. What would be “too much”, what would be “too little”? Your input is invaluable in establishing a customer service culture that really works.

Discuss the results with your colleagues to establish the right customer service culture for your business.
Decide which “Three Steps to Welcome” matches your company image and customer base. Then set standards for your customer service culture. Be sure to practice skits, train, and supervise new staff. Use these three steps to make your customers feel recognized, appreciated, and welcomed.

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