
Some Quality Weight Loss Deals I Recently Discovered

Some Quality Weight Loss Deals I Recently Discovered

As a weight loss entrepreneur and someone who offers a quality weight loss product, I sometimes reach out to the sandbox I work in to ask for new methods, devices, and other products to help those I seek to provide. solutions.

The ideal body image is a noble pursuit. Weight loss is a long journey and weight loss tips and quality weight loss programs seem to be everywhere.

It amazes me how many quality options a person has when following a weight loss plan. Quality options: There are world-class nutrition programs like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and eDiets, gyms are located on practically every corner, there is an endless variety of equipment and gadgets, popular diets are promoted everywhere and books are displayed, websites and methodologies. all the world’s health, nutrition and fitness information at your fingertips.

Let’s take a quick look at a few that I discovered last week.

1) There is an interesting new book titled: “The When Diet: Mathematically Optimizing Eating and Exercise for Weight Loss” by Todd Easton, Associate Professor of Manufacturing and Industrial Systems Engineering at K-State. He advocates weight loss optimization: maximizing weight loss and minimizing suffering (hunger, cravings, etc.) with mathematical analysis.

I love this concept because it makes sense to figure out the easiest way to do it; what’s the point of being miserable with marginal gain.

2) SUSTA is a new all-natural, non-chemical sweetener designed to help those who want to lose or maintain their weight. It’s also perfect for diabetics, as well as those on weight loss programs or proactively fighting obesity.

NXT Nutritionals of Holyoke, MA. its manufacturer and distributor hope SUSTA will be a healthy alternative to the popular Splenda, Sweet ‘N Low and Equal.

A packet of SUSTA is only five calories with a high proportion of fiber and a very small amount of fructose (less than 0.5 g per serving). It’s considered to be sweeter than two teaspoons of sugar and potentially saves around 20 calories or more while providing an added bonus of nutrition.

3) Here are some tips for weight-conscious cooking offered by licensed registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Susan Burke March, author of “Making Weight Control Second Nature: Living Thin Naturally”:

Simple exchanges and strategies to lose weight

Without a doubt, it is possible to eat healthy without spending a lot of time shopping, preparing and cooking. With just a little preparation and forethought, you can enjoy a nutritious meal and never ‘diet’ again. Using just a few simple strategies, you can enjoy your favorite recipes with less fat, sugar, and calories… without sacrificing taste. It is easier than you think.

Such as: Prepare to Succeed, The Recipe Rule, Think Lean, Stick to Nonsticks, Mission Critical Method, Crumb Counting, Sweeten Naturally, Dairy, Desserts Only, and Double Down…that are insightful, logical, and pretty easy to adopt.

Let’s look at just one of these: * Mission Critical Method: Bake, Roast, Grill, Poach your proteins. Instead of sprinkling with butter or margarine, cut out the saturated and trans fats by sprinkling with flavorful vegetable broth, white wine, or orange juice. Avoid recipes with heavy sauces and juices to keep your menus low in fat.

4) Atkins is not new and many still think of Atkins as the “bacon, egg and cheese” diet, not realizing that Atkins has become a sustainable and flexible lifestyle that is steeped in science.

The Atkins nutritional approach includes a wide variety of whole foods including lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to keep you full longer, but eliminates simple sugars and simple carbohydrates that cause your blood sugar to spike .

5) There is a book that helps people be realistic about their battle, titled: Die Fat or Get Hard: 101 Differences in Thinking Between Fat People and Fit People. The premise of the book is that you can finally lose weight and keep it off forever, simply by thinking like a fit person.

6) There is the first and largest fresh-pulled salad franchise restaurant concept in the country, called Saladworks. Paul Steck, president of Saladworks, has put together some tips and tricks for his readers to create a healthy and hearty salad. This is a sure way to keep your taste buds happy while keeping your body healthy.

7) BioSignia, based in the North Carolina Research Triangle, developed The Biggest Loser Know Your Number HealthScore. It is an innovative health assessment tool that will provide real insight into your future health; showing the risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease, as well as internal age. The HealthScore also provides a roadmap for reducing that risk. The HealthScore will be featured on NBC’s The Biggest Loser this season.

We’ll continue this list in Some Quality Weight Loss Deals I Recently Discovered, Part Two.

Let the vision empower you!

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