
Seven myths about solar panels debunked

It was easy to dismiss solar power as science fiction in the early days. The technology was not only patchy and inconsistent, it was also incredibly expensive. But now that affordable residential models exist, people are finally getting serious about this form of energy. Not surprisingly, his critics have grown more desperate in recent years. Whether they’re trying to protect an established power source or just don’t believe in solar panels, naysayers have been spreading lies and half-truths at an unprecedented rate. Let’s take a moment to debunk some of our favorites.

Myth: only the rich can afford it.

Fact: According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the installation price has plummeted by more than 73 percent since 2006. Generous state and federal subsidies have made solar panels affordable for Americans of all the economic strata.

Myth: They require a lot of maintenance.

Reality: Due to the lack of moving parts, residential systems require minimal maintenance. The only advice installers give is to inspect them for dirt and debris every few months. Other than that, these units require practically no maintenance.

Myth: they won’t work in some areas.

Fact: While it is true that solar panels work more efficiently in regions that receive a lot of sun, they can still generate power from ambient light on rainy or cloudy days. As such, they will work well in any region of the country.

Myth: They damage roofs.

Reality: In reality, it is the opposite. Numerous studies have found that the panels protect roof surfaces from the elements. We must also add that the equipment, when installed correctly, will not damage your ceiling in any way. It can be attached or removed without damaging the shingles or the wood underneath them.

Myth: They damage resale value.

Fact: Again, this one isn’t even close! Several studies have found that a working residential system can add thousands of dollars in value to the average home. In fact, a recent report found that a host-owned system could add up to $ 15,000 to a home’s resale value.

Myth: they are not built to last.

Reality: As with any new technology, some users have likely had a bad experience. Critics have seized upon incomplete reports from dissatisfied customers to question the structural integrity of residential systems. Are they really tough and durable enough to withstand the elements? According to the companies that sell, they are! That is why most vendors offer 20 to 25 year warranties on their units. It’s no wonder that most are tested to last that long or longer.

Myth: they are not easy to use.

Fact: Once again, critics are trying to scare people out of using new technology by telling half the story. Yes, there was a time when you had to be a technician to harness the power of the sun. But due to recent improvements, today’s solar panels are as easy to operate as a microwave, DVD player, or any other appliance in your home.

Now that you know the truth about solar energy, you can make a decision on the fastest growing form of alternative energy.

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