
No margin, no mission!

The SBA estimates 11.8 million new jobs a year and of that 11.8 and an estimated 66 percent will fail. So what does it take for a startup to be successful in today’s tech market? Information is the key here and the lack of understanding of this fact is paralyzing. Like any job, you need the information to be successful – after all, every job has its own set of secrets. So whether you are the employee or the employer, you should have sixteen chances when you show your teeth. So where do we get these well-kept secrets and bits of information that are so crucial to success, Google? Using the Internet, mentoring, reading, shaking hands, and sharing knowledge is the solution.

Overcoming fear!

Understanding the depth of the unknown and the black hole of failure is crucial to avoiding defeat. So how do we overcome fear to be successful and reach nirvana? You will have to voluntarily plunge into the kayos of daily work and into the abyss of suffocating problems. It should be the explorer of the matter, a search engine assistant. See for yourself by running a series of tests to find your success. How do you control the uncontrollable simply by exercising knowledge and putting it into practice? If you want to run a high-octane business, use Google to supplement your knowledge base and shake some hands. If the goal is to avoid financial hardship and paralysis, don’t underestimate the power of relationships. Avoid hard hitting school by taking time to learn about people and really listening to what they have to say. Participate in social media and technology as a friend, not an enemy. Try to compartmentalize tasks and find novel solutions to old ideas while providing excellent customer service with sex appeal. Delight customers every day in every way and mark their experience with surprise. Try to intoxicate each of your requests with daring solutions to mediocre problems, this makes for a great theater! We are all capable of succeeding in business, but sometimes we become obsessed with the mundane and lack the means to invest the enormous amount of time required to do so. Getting used to this unfamiliar and unstable environment is what makes business so much fun. It’s like a wild roller coaster spinning out of control with big profit spikes and sometimes tiring lows. This up and down business cycle is normal and the gulf between success and failure.

Control the margin.

Be a good bean counter! Profits and losses are controlled by saving a few dollars when times are good and paying your employees and expenses on time when times are slow. This shift in the employer and employee paradigm will be hard to sell for most, but completely doable. You will most likely make a few mistakes and your competitors may ostracize you for it, but don’t be discouraged or seduced by the opinions of others, make your own version of what is right and you will have a visceral experience in business. and in life.

A real mackerel here! Don’t worry until it’s time to worry; Progress doesn’t happen without breaking some rules along the way. Don’t let analysis be the cause of your paralysis, just go out and do it regardless of your tight budget or the complacency of friends and family. Where rubber meets road here is action, after all, do you really want to get into the slow malaise of the homeless and desperate? Fulfill all your dreams and your destiny by changing priorities to parallel those of life’s great achievers. Be ambidextrous in your pursuit of happiness using your “Google” veins of knowledge and logical solutions. Be a rainmaker when it comes to acquiring what you want and be advantageous when father time presents itself. Don’t sleepwalk through life and join those clones in clown suites, after all what a benefit direct and discreet use is anyway! Play with your brain to explore, invent and create. Be dynamic, fluid and changeable, then you will have reached spiritual ecstasy my friends.

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