Tours Travel

How I got affiliates to promote my product

I couldn’t build momentum. He was doing what I teach people to do: get five sales on their first product, then do another one the next week and sell ten. You do another one next week and you sell fifteen, and that’s how I started. In fact, that’s how I started. But it wasn’t working trying to get into this market.

Affiliates weren’t promoting for me, and someone told me that affiliates don’t promote until you have fifty or a hundred sales. So what am I going to do to get through this?

I needed a strategy to recruit affiliates in a big marketplace like Warrior Forum, ClickBank, JVZoo, etc. I was using the warrior forum…

The lightbulb went out. What about solo ads? Instead of sending my solo ads to a subscription form, or instead of sending them to a “Thank You” page, I can get the subscriber right away if I send them to the WSO (Warrior Special Offer) page, and then just I’d send them to whatever my current WSO was and I’d get fifteen, or twenty, or thirty sales, I found I was paying my ad prices alone, not completely, but I was helping to pay for it. Then with my rear I was paying for it.

This allows me to monetize my single ad leads, so I was just buying single ads from left to right, sending them to a WSO (it didn’t even have to be the current one, it could be the top performing one). Send it to a WSO, get as many buyers as possible, put them into my 21 day conversion campaign, where people spent like $18 – $20 within 20 days on the conversion campaign, signing up for training, prepaying some things, just several things that were in the integrated conversion campaign that I prepared. It was really something phenomenal.

Now you’re thinking “Why are you telling me all this?” I want you to see the WHY behind this. Because, one of the things that happens in your business, you may run into roadblocks and just don’t know what to do.

I hit a snag and the solo ads weren’t working as well, so I decided to stop them. Then I saw the opportunity in the Warrior Forum and put them together like I described above. Then I ran into another obstacle!

Solo ad vendors were unwilling to sell me ads that only went to the OSM forum because they weren’t getting as many clicks. So if they don’t get as many clicks, they don’t make as much money. So the bottom line was that I was having a harder and harder time finding ways to do it, but! objective! now, I had hundreds of WSO buyers, which I had gotten through these solo ads, now if I launched a WSO, I could send it, send it only to the buyers who had bought from me before, that way I would keep my conversion rate really high . And then people would buy, and I’d get my fifty or a hundred sales, and then the affiliates started noticing and started promoting me.

And what happened was most of the time you’d get like ten affiliates, each one of them would make like five sales, and honestly, it’s pretty daunting. Pretty daunting, I remember how daunting it was.

How am I going to climb? Either people are sending out a test email, or all of these people had really small email lists, and I think there’s a combination of both. But then the big opportunity happened.

Some of those affiliates, when they bought my product, they studied it themselves, and then they realized that it really had good training, and then when they promoted it to their list, they told people that it was really good training, they would want to promote me, they would start promoting me on day one instead of waiting until there were fifty or a hundred sales. Why? Not because of anything special on the Warrior Forum, not because of any active copy, I don’t write active copy, I write copy that does the job.

But people were choosing to promote me because they liked me!

Because I offered a phenomenal training. And I think that’s something that motivated me, and I said this is a very, very, very interesting thing. And then what happened was that some affiliates who could actually generate a hundred or two hundred sales, started promoting me. And then they’d even send me emails that were like, “hey, when you’re going to release something, let me know what I’d like to promote for you.” Invisible sight, why? For the quality of the product, then what do I leave you when I tell you this. Your product has to be great. It has to be high quality.

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