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Flower essences for growth and well-being

Walking through a colorful field of wildflowers, we find ourselves with a burst of fragrance and a deep breath, trying to absorb the intoxicating and illusory perfume. Flowers awaken our senses. We associate flowers with weddings, funerals, parties and other important occasions. We profess our love with flowers. They give themselves to a sick friend in the hope that they will help them heal faster or better, or at least brighten their spirits. Perhaps our association with flowers has a more instinctive genesis.

Before we became “modern,” there was a time on the planet when humans lived in crude caves or shelters, hunted and gathered their food, and relied on their innate sense of the natural world for their health and well-being. It was a time when humans lived in harmony with their environment and accepted and were grateful for the gifts of the animal, mineral, and plant worlds for their survival and sustenance. At that time there was an open and continuous exchange of intelligence between humans, animals, plants and the elements. With civilization we have learned to shut down the most primary parts of ourselves and to convince ourselves that logic and rational deductive thinking is the only legitimate way to perceive and relate to the world. This numbness and manipulation has eroded from our hearts and minds the sense of magic and wonder that comes from being able to develop our intuitive and creative senses without oppression.

Is there any way to regain this lost innocence and freedom? Our desire for change is the beginning, but we need tools to help in the process. One of the most important tools we have to implement this evolution is the healing energy derived from flowers known as “essence”. This is not the essential oil, but the actual life force intelligence of the plants captured in the water, taken internally in small doses over a period of time. This gentle and subtle form of “medicine” has been shown to produce profound positive changes in people and animals at deep levels of the soul and psyche.

Since ancient times, the healing art of flower essence therapy has been used by humans and animals. However, with the exception of some intact indigenous cultures, this healing modality was lost to modern man until the renowned British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, rediscovered and reintroduced it to the world in the 1930s through his 38 original essences. This was during one of the darkest times in our recent history and Dr. Bach was doing what he could to offer help in the deeper spiritual and emotional realms.

Over the past thirty years, the number of flower essence developers around the world has grown steadily. There are now over 8,000 different essences available and they come from places like the Amazon, the Himalayas, Europe, Africa, Hawaii, New Zealand, all over North and South America and beyond. The essences that are being produced are not just flowers. There are gem elixirs, animal essences, marine essences, environmental essences, astrological and elemental elixirs, angelic and cosmic essences. It is now possible to find vibratory remedies that address almost all human conditions and problems.

Here are some specific examples of problems or disorders and some of the essences that can aid in the transformation process in these areas:

Helps eliminate false psychic or emotional residues: Asparagus, Bitterbrush, Fireweed, Mountain Pennyroyal, Pinedrops.

Release from Pain and Toxic Emotions / Renewal: Black Eyed Susan, Calliopsis, Eucalyptus, Manzanita, White Veined Mallow.

Works with the trauma of the chakra and the soul: Arnica, Comfrey, Star of Bethlehem, Seal of the Star of Solomon, Sweet pea.

Invoke strength, courage, confidence, limits: Blue Penstemon, Chaparral, Lodgepole Pine, Monkshood, Willow.

Inner Child Healing: Borage, Rabbit Brush, Shooting Star, Willow Herb, Zinnia.

Grounding: Corn, Groundsel, Narcissus, Squaw Carpet, St. John’s Wort.

Will / Vision Statement: California Fuschia, Chaparral, Gayophytum, Mountain Pride, Saguaro.

Higher Heart & Mind / Release: Basil, Beer Angelica, Explorer Gentian, Brodiaea Hyacinth, Pansy, Star Lavender.

Creativity and expression: Blue-Pod Lupine, Cosmos, Iris, Lilac, Pear.

Vitality (Chi) / Earth Energy: Aloe, Indian Brush, Morning Glory, Nasturtium, Squash.

One of the most beautiful aspects of essences is that they have absolutely no toxic side effects. There is no substance involved, just pure healing energy. This energy is a pattern that is different in each plant (like our fingerprints) and when these energy patterns interact with our multidimensional energy (chakras, meridians, nadis, subtle bodies), a change or rebalancing towards a healthier state, Se produces a more harmonious state of being. This process, of course, usually takes place over a period of time that allows us to move into new perspectives and slowly and smoothly get rid of limiting patterns.

Today, we feel the demand for a changing culture. Those repressed aspects of the collective soul bodies are awakening to an emerging rebirth of the true intelligence and wisdom of the body-mind-spirit connection. We want to evolve. We want to heal and regain those parts of ourselves that have been discarded and discarded. Nostalgia for the forgotten bonds we once shared with our fellow Earthlings is resurfacing.

With the multitude of healing modalities and programs emerging right now, it can be difficult to choose what will work best for us. By incorporating flower essence therapy into our daily practices, we can strengthen our resolve to maintain our course of personal growth and healing. The nourishing energy of the essences can aid other forms of natural healing and transformation in a beautiful and complementary way. As long as we remain patient and committed to our path, we can break through to new levels of love, understanding, and manifestation. Essences are the perfect ally to take us on this evolutionary journey.

Flower Essence Therapy as a healing art is at this time primed and ready to be accepted by a more general audience. The way we think and use essences is going through a great paradigm shift. With our increasing complexity as multidimensional beings and the accelerating frequencies of the planet, a new methodology is emerging. The Bach era strategy of using a few essences at once is giving way to the idea of ​​taking essences in complex and synergistic blends and is proving very effective for many. Our fast-paced, sophisticated, and stressful lives demand more powerful and focused vibratory remedies.

To create an effective and synergistic flower essence formula, a good frame of reference is the medicine wheel idea. There is a central or central theme, or group of themes, and supporting essences approach the theme (s) from many points on the wheel. As an example, if you are addressing something like fatigue, you will want to include energy factors related to mental overload, physical vitality, spiritual capacity, connection to the earth, chakra and subtle body alignment, self-nourishment, natural cycles and rhythms, etc. . A balanced formula can easily have fifteen or more essences and numbers are not really a factor as long as there is synergy.

For those who are committed to becoming their optimal, liberated, and emotionally sober self, flower essences and other vibrational remedies are key self-healing tools. They will help us open the door to our hidden wisdom, love, beauty, and truth.

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