
From the padlock of the Hyperborean myths to the gate of hell (‘The seeds of time’)

Everything that Pachacuti E learned and saw and did was never told or written, but he left me a kind of diary, in addition, a short story written, more like a letter, in his native Peruvian language -Quechua -… and now I understand why E didn’t write everything down. He saw unfailingly a revulsion for which he had no words; on the other hand, it turned into a morbid interest in the “seeds of time.” To my understanding, much he refrained from witnessing, doing, consuming. And a lot of the time he wished he had a rosary, although not Catholic, and I’m not sure if he was a Christian or of a certain faith, he just mentioned it in passing, but as he also said to me, ‘What is it? done is done, ” sounds like a quote from Macbeth, and he wrote to me, Dr. DL Siluk, ‘I’m afraid, Ayre, that at the end of this day you won’t see me anymore, nor will I ever see the sun again? Had it been long since he had found the lock on Hell’s gate? To its supernatural passages. This is my newest state. When I am in this world, I am a rat without a tail! Habit and curiosity kill the cat but most of us end up doing and doing and as we should, giving the wind our senses, our intuitions. The demons have given me a new name, Yima.

My dear friend, E, a fascinating from the last abyss, with persistent curiosity, entered the underworld about seventeen years ago, including the deepest part of the abode of hell called Tartarus, in the supernatural cyclopean ruins of hell, and passages and cameras, in their ghoulish halls. He witnessed the phenomena of devils, imps, unknown spirits, non-descriptive beings, their nameless and breathless subsidiary beasts, and monstrous demons: his human metamorphoses are formed from: devil to man, to creature, and vice versa (powerless to form a satisfactory image). of the visual characteristics of his close visits to the daily life of these metamorphoses, he gave no more than one description): dematerialization and rematerialization, as they advance and return, to the outside world, as they call the surface of the earth. I’ll explain his own ability in time, let’s call it awe, but not magic, bluntly I repeat, there is no magic in this (although he said, in passing, that black magic was being performed in the last abyss, below Tartarus, in some bag of frozen ice or abyss of earth), frankly I repeat, there is no magic in this, it is just part of the supernatural worlds that surround us. And he’s not a superhero, but he has such DNA, yes, DNA that causes disease and mutations that for most of those who should have developed debilitating diseases, his DNA counteracts it, and more.

Before I continue with the last days of Mr. E, that is, the last day I heard from him, I will explain it to you a little more clearly. It was out of the radius of most human beings. Although he was not a “Superman”, he did come from what is called an exoplanet, semi genetically; Such planets once had atmospheres compared to Earth, and their host sun bombarded them with torrential high-energy radiation, burning their atmosphere, mainly because their orbit was too close to their star-sun. These super-Earths are twice the size of the Earth, if not ten times the size of the Earth and / or its massiveness. And in due course due to the sun’s rays, it will shrink in size.

To my understanding from what he said, or I think he said, I am a bit confused remembering him, he spoke quickly and outlined about his father’s background, but that he came from the Alpha Centauri System, or the closest star system to about 25-trillion miles away.

I told him it would take “… 30,000 years to travel that distance in a spaceship to Earth!”

And he replied: “How about 30 years, take or give one or two … his spaceship was pushed out of the orbit of our planet by a giant lasso, and once on its way, it traveled by light instead of wind. , reaching 20% ​​of the speed of light “

His father came from what we call a ‘super Earth’ and his mother born on Earth and Peruvian from the high plains, they mated. And it would seem that there was a mutation that I spoke of, in the sense that it allowed E, in time, to make those novel visits, to the absolute horrors of the roots of hell. And he told me that the demons took it as an invasion, if not an intrusion, into their domain, that is, as time passed; in general, he made more and more visits, each longer. Therefore, he was the object of much talk, of his transfigurations, of his bodily adjustments, in those realms.

On one occasion he whispered in my left ear, at ‘Starbucks’ in the ‘Mall del Sur’, in Lima, “How strange they look hand in hand, these hermaphrodites, some Arch-Kings of legions, Queen Litittis of Atlantis, with a, while kissing in the great Sacred Grove, which sank in 13,000 BC, under the Azores. Many walk aimlessly with hearts pierced by pain, a strange phosphorescence, I have seen the “Gates of Day” of Atlantis and what remains of the Archkingdom. I even visited some of the spirits that walk the sea, the Imperial Crown Jewels of Atlantis, the Abandoned Palace, the Port of Poseidon, the Prophet Muhammad, Kubla Khan, Roland’s hall, it is a land of darkness, under the Azores, and Tartarus. Why don’t the demons stop me, they interfere with my laziness, it baffles me! So horrible are the days I spend there, they themselves are so strange and wild in their attraction They are far from resembling the inhabitants of the earth! “

I said: “It seems that you understand them and this land of darkness, quite well, so much that you have loved it?”

He hesitated, paused thereafter to say something for a long moment, it was all fantastic for him. To me, very dangerous, in the sense that he now greets his visits with grace and prediction, to the point that he seems to be wrapped up in them. If only I could have looked into the ‘… seeds of time’, as Macbeth inferred, and said, ‘… which grain will grow and which will speak to me then …’

As time passed in those seventeen years, the more I got to know him, the more he became bored, restless, cruel, and rebelled as if he had returned. It became more comical to him when he told me about his visits, a sadism, with a growing desire to escape to the non-physical world, a half-spectral state. And then it happened!

I will not spend a great deal of time telling this sad end that was inevitable, and prowess confirms, the thrones of Tartarus and his relatives, such as Agaliarept, Lucifer’s henchman, and general of five legions, and the Archfiend Belphegor and the known demons. as the order of: Tagaririm, these demons and the leaders of Belphegor, with the mystical teachings, have long waited for my dear friend, and knew the signs, assumed the signs, using the zodiac to: conform or conflict with who should they devilish, then wait until the last minutes of their death, even measured by the value of one, and Mr. E was worth the wait. He would not have wished him an impartial death like hers, but in such circumstances, what did he expect? More of a statement than a question. What did you imagine? Who will tell! In any case, his worth was worth more, because he would never come closer to more comfort than he had had, if he had not ventured to those forbidden limits, and he did not part well, although who can tell. But let me finish my story and her last words.

I repeat, and then it happened, he died, and all efforts to leave were in nothing, he stopped, his curiosity killed the cat, figuratively, that is, his repeated wishes to return to the devil’s abode; That said, somehow he wanted to leave me these last notes, having given them to me by some earthly magnetic substance, and some of his last words were: “What’s done is done”, a phrase that he used frequently. And in that moment he knew that he was protected by creatures from the underworld, forces that he feared to oppose, I suppose he was quite dead at the time, or almost, and too fearful and too weak to physically return to the outside world. Thus, he found his way, and as such he enjoyed a privilege, if you can call it that, that few, if any, people have to see what awaits men of evil. And his last words I will quote now: “What is done is done, I am exhausted of all flesh and self-defense. The demons have dried me as with bones without marrow.”

Written: April 11-12, 2016

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