Lifestyle Fashion

Fired? How to get fit while unemployed

They have let you go and the world has changed. However, while things have changed you in your career, they can also change your body, in a good way. With your newfound time on your hands, you can get in shape on your body.

See that doctor: The best way to start getting fitter is to find out where you are right now. Go to that doctor you’ve been putting off and get a baseline for your health. Follow your doctor’s advice and see any specialist he or she may recommend for any conditions that may exist or be on the horizon.

Determine fitness goals: Explain to yourself, loud and clear, where you want to be physically and in what time frame. By determining fitness goals, you will be able to maintain a sense of accomplishment that could be threatened by dismissal. Having fitness goals will also keep you on track with specific tasks as you get fitter. Be realistic in terms of time and scope and see your new doctor.

Exercise – Regardless of how fit you are now, you can still exercise. Exercise not only benefits physically but also emotionally and mentally. By being laid off, these aspects of your overall health could be under attack by your current traumatic change. Be sure to consult a doctor before beginning any type of exercise routine.

Find your physical activity: One of the best ways to get physically fit is to find a physical activity that you enjoy. Even though you may already be working out, find something else that moves you. Walking, basketball, rollerblading, and more are great physical activities because, unlike exercise, you won’t be counting down the minutes or worrying about the bigger guys in the weight room. Also, you can meet new people in this activity and find yourself connected to a new job.

Being fired is hard. However, it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. With the new time in your hands, take the opportunity to take care of your body. Get in good physical shape by seeing that doctor, setting your fitness goals, exercising, and finding your physical activity.

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