Legal Law

Does marijuana relieve anxiety and panic attacks?

I’m Clyde, 46 years old, and I suffered from severe anxiety problems for most of my adult life. My anxiety sometimes caused me to have uncontrollable bouts of inner rage while doing everyday things like cooking or cleaning. To help control my symptoms, I sometimes smoked medical marijuana while alone or while socializing with friends. I live in Southern California where it is legal to buy, sell and use marijuana with a doctor’s note that costs between $ 60 and $ 100. I have lived a productive and rewarding life, having started several successful businesses, and have a lovely wife since 20 years ago together with 2 beautiful daughters. For many years I smoked whatever weed I could find, mainly basing my decision on the smell or pungency of the buds. But then I learned that, like teas, marijuana or cannabis comes in a multitude of plant types and species, but is generally divided into two basic strains known as sativa, for cerebral use during the day, and indica, for calm down and relax, maybe before you go. to the bed. I also learned that some people use a mixture of the two opposite strains to get a very different effect. I started using sativa exclusively because when a panic attack started, it offered me immediate calm, renewed motivation, and a sense of clarity.


Some argue that marijuana offers only a temporary fix or “high”, as the active ingredient, THC, wears off in no time, leaving you hungry and mentally back where you started, sometimes even leaving you feeling worse. I understand and agree to a great extent. Going down to land is a very different sensation depending on the type of marijuana consumed. For me, as long as I stayed on the daytime sativa strain of marijuana, I felt much better overall, and the impact of my anxiety attacks lessened if only for an hour or two. I knew that marijuana only offered temporary relief from symptomatic anxiety and was not a permanent cure for my anxiety. For a more permanent solution, I knew that I had to deal with the root of my fears. But in the meantime, she knew she couldn’t function day by day experiencing uncontrollable bouts of anger and panic. Like many prescription anxiety relievers, marijuana instantly freed me from the seemingly inescapable grip of an anxiety attack. When it comes to side effects, I was able to live with the lesser of two evils.


Although I used marijuana to alleviate my anxiety attacks, I also knew that it carried certain risks of potential side effects such as destruction of brain cells and documented effects on the lungs. Some experts also say that it has a negative impact on sexual libido, but I never noticed an impact in that department. To reduce the effect on my lungs, I started consuming cannabis edibles like butter, cakes, pies, teas and sodas, and even marijuana-infused olive oil. Regarding the loss of brain cells, I thought I would borrow someone else’s when the time came. Side effects are a big concern for many people, but keep in mind that some prescription drugs can also present unforeseen problems. They all come with a price tag.


A century ago, an American doctor might have recommended marijuana for anxiety. And the United States government used it to treat “nervous restlessness” in the mid-19th century. It was also given free of charge to anyone suffering from menstrual cramps, gout, cholera, or migraines. In 1937, Congress enacted legislation criminalizing marijuana. My home state of California was the first to decriminalize marijuana to treat diseases. There are now hundreds of retail dispensaries across the state and there is a ballot initiative to fully legalize marijuana and remove the requirement for a doctor’s recommendation. After California, there are 10 to 11 other states that have passed laws that allow the medical use of marijuana.


Marijuana has become a more accepted tool for temporary relief from the effects of panic attacks and anxiety. But you shouldn’t consider marijuana or any other drug as a permanent solution. Ultimately, you must face your deep-seated fears, and there are several forms of cognitive treatment that offer effective avenues to do so. Read below for more tips on how to reduce or eliminate anxiety from your life.

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