
A day in the life of a Waldorf homeschool family

Rhythm is the key for things to run smoothly in our home. As a homeschooling mom who also runs a business from home, having balance and rhythm in our days helps make anything possible.

The breath of the day is an important thing to keep in mind when scheduling lessons or activities. What is this inhalation and exhalation? You are alternating between an external energy-producing activity and a calmer internal one. I try to keep this balance and when things get a bit “one-sided” I can say we need a change. I’ve given you a sample day so you can see what I mean.

8:am- Breakfast and Morning Routine. Make beds, brush teeth and comb and dress.

9:00 am – Morning walk. We try to do this every day, weather permitting. It takes us out into nature and expels that necessary energy before starting the main lesson. And the dog likes it too.

10:00 am – Circle and main lesson. Our circle begins when each girl lights a beeswax candle. We say our opening verse, monthly verse, etc. We played the recorder, sang a seasonal song, tossed a bean bag working on the times tables, then closed our circle and blew out the candles.

Snack: we take a break to re-nourish (girls are always hungry!)

Core Lesson – lasts about an hour, depending on what we’re doing. Today, I tell a fable and we draw in our main lesson books to go along with the story. A squirrel is hanging from the branch outside the window stealing bird seed from our feeder. We look and observe. It starts to rain. We talked a bit about the seasons, getting ready for my block on the seasons, the calendar, and time.

Lunch: They run off to play while I prepare lunch.

1-3:pm Work Time- This is a new part of our rhythm, dedicated work time for mom. I have hired a college student to come 2 days a week. Today is the first day and it’s going great! I do so many things without interruption that I can’t believe it. This frees me up to focus on work now and be present with my daughters for the rest of the day.

3:00 pm: Back Together: This is our afternoon inhalation activity. Sometimes we paint, or maybe we run errands. Today it’s time to bake. We sit and mingle and talk about measurements. While the cake is baking, we knit. I read a chapter of their favorite book in progress and everyone takes turns reading their books. The cake is ready and dad comes home. They are playing again while Mom and Dad catch up on our days and cook dinner.

6:30-8:00pm: Dinner and Bedtime: I like to eat at 6:30pm so there is time for family time. We play cards, games or go for a walk. It’s a great time to connect all together after a busy day.

The bedtime ritual begins; Pajamas, snack and story. The girls are still in bed between 7:30 and 8:00 pm most nights. They sleep long and well. Then I have free time to read a book, do more work, or watch a movie with my husband. Raising twins, I needed this night’s rest. I highly recommend it!

By having that in-and-out rhythm, it breaks big chunks of sitting still for hours or running and playing so long that they won’t relax again. It helps me as a mom to connect with them for a while, then I have some time to do what I have to do. Then we get back together and repeat. 2 days a week we have music/library lessons and co-op home school in the afternoons, but the remaining days I try to stay home to keep my balance.

I hope this glimpse into our life has brought you some inspiration and knowing that you can find the rhythm that suits your own family.

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