Lifestyle Fashion

20 steps to courage

These activities once applied will awaken courage in you. Courageous behavior can only develop by removing fear from your life. The first step will explain how to get rid of this negative emotion.

1. Face fear

Facing fear is not the only option to overcome it, but it is the fastest. All you have to do is continue to be afraid, but do what you fear anyway. Then you will realize that there was nothing to be scared of in the first place.

Let me quote the wise words of William Walker Atkinson: “Remember, the only thing to be afraid of is Fear and, well, don’t even be afraid of Fear, for he is a cowardly fellow at best, who will run if he shows brave front”. .”

2. Completely master the power of the mind

Another way to gain courage is to master the power of the mind. This can be done by controlling the thoughts that you have in your mind. Instead of allowing chaotic thoughts, you will need to establish some rules in your mind. Allow only positive thoughts to dwell in your mind. This way, no matter what scary situation presents itself, there will always be a way around it because you have only planted good seeds in your mind. You cannot experience anything negative unless you focus on negative thoughts.

3. Understand fear

As it is said “Know your enemy”, the same applies to the understanding of fear. You must try to understand that fear is nothing more than your creation. Nothing in itself is fearful. You simply perceive it as scary because of your certain beliefs about it. If you start to question your beliefs, you may find that they don’t have a solid foundation. Therefore, you created fear out of your false perception.

4. Understand the value

As you have gained a better understanding of fear, you can now try to understand courage. Courage arises from a person controlling her thinking. As a result, he understands that he is 100% responsible for all the outcomes of his life. If you learn to control your mind you will understand that there is no need to fear anything.

5. Understand the consequences

You develop fear by fearing big things. It could be a big debt, a sudden turn in life, or something as big as that. Since you use all your energy in these circumstances, they seem more and more fearful to you. After a while you start to fear smaller things, then smaller, then smaller… You end up fearing any uncertainty, however small. When you are brave, you greatly benefit your body, mind, and soul. You realize that you are a powerful being, you are divine, and you have unlimited choices in life. You develop your own personality, uniqueness and style. In short, life just keeps getting better!

6. Do the opposite of what others do

It’s fun and beneficial to be a rebel. If you don’t want to end up like most people, you need to be completely different from what you see every day. For example, if everyone watches TV, don’t watch TV. This way you will avoid harmful media effects. If you read my articles, you probably know that I am against the media. It is a total waste of your time. You should spend time reading books and learning something that will benefit your life instead of looking at the TV screen.

7. Develop your lifestyle

If you want to live boldly, you must develop your own taste. You should not look to others for suggestions on what to do. Live the life you want. Choose the things you like. Never try to see what others are doing and think that you are supposed to live the same way.

8. Get creative

Creativity = Courage = Prosperity = Courage

In other words, if you like to do something, you should do it in the most efficient way possible, create as much value as you can. This way, others will want to get whatever it is you’re creating, and in return, you’ll get paid for the service. By being recognized in this way, you will gain so much confidence and courage that you will shine no matter what you do.

9. Find like-minded people

Like-minded people will increase your courage because you will understand that there are many people who are just like you. This will make you feel more secure.

10. Be frank

That’s why I like Donald Trump so much. He is so direct! It’s amazing how people get shy and lost when he says something boldly. This is the power behind directness. When you express your opinion in sharp and short sentences, it works wonders. Others feel your authority and don’t want to mess with you!

11. Understand the psychology of beginners.

If you are shy because you are trying something new, this is what I can advise you. First of all, you need to understand that all the experts were beginners at the beginning. Regardless of what you start, it won’t perform well for some time, but that’s completely fine. You cannot master something overnight. This understanding will give you a little more strength and security along the way.

12. Be unique

Learn something that is not considered conventional. This will give you several benefits: First, when you start new relationships, you will always find something to talk about. Second, others will find you very interesting. That will certainly boost your confidence!

13. Master a skill

Mastering a new skill is a real boost to courage. When you’re better than your friends at something, you feel strong and aren’t afraid to speak up. Friends start treating you like an authority and you start to believe in yourself.

14. Never follow anyone other than for inspiration.

Never follow anyone else except when you have a great role model. You don’t want to be like the other sheep, do you? You must strive to become a leader, not a follower. You must want others to follow you and not the other way around.

15. Don’t lose your head

You should not allow anyone’s opinion to influence your decisions. Listen to yourself first. Then try to understand the points of view of others, but do not necessarily follow them. You will develop a common mindset if you follow the opinions of others. If you think someone’s idea is perfect for you, then you can act on it. However, you shouldn’t do that often. If you continue to follow the actions and thinking of others, eventually you will not be able to think for yourself. So try not to lose your balance.

16. Use your head

Before asking someone else for advice, try to work out what is unclear yourself. You will be surprised how little time you really need to resolve most situations. However, if you need very specific information, you should seek specialist advice. But still, don’t take everything they tell you as truth. Think carefully about someone else’s suggestion and act on it only if it feels right. In this way you will develop the courage to go through life consciously.

17. Keep changing your comfort zone

Nothing is worse than stagnation. You should always strive to grow, learn and experiment. Try to be constantly on the go, exploring different possibilities and mastering new skills. You must avoid stagnation at all costs. Stagnation only sets you in your comfort zone. The longer you stay there, the harder (and scarier) it will be for you to progress.

18. Explore something new

Try to surprise yourself by doing something completely different from you. This will push you out of your comfort zone to experience a different environment. It always works out great and you may find new hobbies or even change your mindset along the way. This builds courage very quickly as you constantly push your ego aside and prevent it from growing.

19. Think outside the box

Unusual thinking is important because you can think back to accepted standards and not be affected by them. For example, is it really good to watch TV? All it does is scare you and make you insecure. By learning to think outside the box, you will be able to escape many negative influences.

20. Find new solutions

When you’re stuck in a situation and feel threatened by it, step away from it for a while. Then go back to it and ask yourself, “What are the solutions to this situation that I currently can’t see?” Keep repeating this until you find another solution.

This method really works wonders. You won’t understand until you try!

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