
Writing Your Affirmations – Affirmation Length

There are several guidelines to follow when creating the perfect affirmation for you. One key thing to remember is length. Affirmations are usually supposed to be short and sweet. Your statement should not extend into paragraphs. A powerful prayer will be more than enough. I put a couple of examples so you can see the difference.

good length

I am so happy and thankful now that I make over $100,000 a year.

bad length

I am happily making over $100,000 a year. My business is successful. We have world-class clients who are happy with their service. Our products are flying off the shelves. I feel on top of the world.

good length

I look and feel amazing thanks to my new healthy lifestyle.

bad length

I am so happy to be full of energy. My metabolism is high helping me keep my weight under control. My sugar level, blood pressure and cholesterol are all normal. Exercise is the joy of my day and I love to wake up and get moving. I am fit and healthy and feel amazing!

Which affirmations above will make you feel more empowered when you say them? For most people, the shortest statement always wins. Longer statements can express how you feel. But the power comes when your statement is short and to the point. “I look and feel amazing thanks to my new healthy lifestyle.” You can’t say that statement a hundred times without feeling powerful and unstoppable! You just can’t. However, the examples of bad duration are so long that it is practically impossible to get into a rhythm.

Developing a rhythm when expressing your affirmations is important because you are implanting the idea in your mind. The sequence and power used will help make the affirmation real in your mind. If you are consistent, you will notice the day your brain has accepted your statement as fact. And when that happens, any fight disappears. Your new healthy lifestyle is no longer a goal to be met. It becomes so real to you that living a healthy lifestyle becomes second nature to you.

The length of the statement is important. If your statement is too long, it loses power. You never get into a rhythm and so on. I cannot say that your statement should be twenty words or less. But definitely, the shorter the better.

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