Lifestyle Fashion

Why is the current danger not CLEAR to many?

Although, many believe, we live in worrying and difficult times, where the level of polarization and division is perhaps the highest, in recent memory, there are still a considerable number of people who, apparently, blindly follow some. the so-called leaders, who encourage to believe their version of alternative facts, instead of the real ones, and reality! The United States has historically – stood out, on this planet, for its constitutional guarantees, and associated freedoms and rights, provided to – all, regardless of their socioeconomic location etc! In recent years, we have witnessed politicians whose loyalty seems solely based on some combination of their personal biases, personal/political agenda, greed, and self-interest, rather than the greater good! Have you ever wondered why the current danger, in the short, medium and long term, does not yet seem SURE, too many? With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it should be of concern.

1. Character; common sense; clarify: Unfortunately, too many voters either don’t take the time, or recognize that they shouldn’t vote, based on ads, personality, empty promises, and rhetoric, rather than delving deeper to consider the individual. , quality of character! Wouldn’t we be better served if candidates and office holders had to clarify their positions and proceed with real, relevant, sustainable common sense?

two. Listen; to learn; pleasures: When will we require those chosen to serve and represent us to listen and learn from every conversation and experience consistently, effectively, in order to proceed with greater experience, judgment, and hopefully wisdom? It is essential to choose people who really like it, serve!

3. Empathy; emphasis; Expectations: Alert people, you should have recognized, by now, how essential it is to choose people, with genuine empathy! This feature must line up, with the emphasis! Why can’t these plausible and desirable expectations become rule?

Four. Attitude; attention; fitness; stocks; daily: When a public leader, instead of having a positive, can-do attitude, and committing to paying close attention to serving the needs of all citizens, etc., focuses on his or her personal/political agenda and/or your own interest, you put the nation and its people at risk and neglected! We need to be represented, by individuals, with a relevant and well-developed set of skills and abilities, rather than everyone else! Pay close attention to the actions, intents, priorities, and agenda of those we elect before we all pay the price!

5. Important; answers; reasoning/justification: Instead of prioritizing the relevant needs, we have witnessed attempts to focus on the same – old, same – old ways and the associated prejudices and biases! Consider your answers and the level of your reasoning and articulate reasoning!

Wake up, America, and pay close attention to the present danger, and know SURE, about the possible ramifications! Are you up to the tasks?

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