
When there is a real pain: in the throat

Deep sore throat can have a number of causes. Here is a complete guide to the different symptoms and treatments. We are going to count the ways.

Pain due to the common cold.

The usual cause is colds caused by viruses. If, along with the deep pain in the throat, you have a runny nose, sneeze and cough, you can safely conclude that you have the common cold and that the sore throat is caused by it.

To relieve pain, the following treatment may provide the best results:

  • Drink warm (not hot!) Tea with honey and lemon.
  • Stay away from acidic foods and drinks, like orange or tomato juice, because the acid actually irritates the tonsils.
  • Suck on menthol lozenges or cough drops.
  • If the above suggestions don’t work, use an anesthetic throat spray that contains benzocaine, which will relieve pain.
  • Take cough suppressants to reduce throat irritation, such as Robitussin. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age.
  • For severe pain, try a common over-the-counter medicine, such as ibuprofen.

Pain due to strep throat

The only sure way to know if your deep sore throat is caused by strep throat is a strep test. This is done by your doctor through a laboratory test in which a sample is taken from the back of your throat with a cotton swab.

Antibiotics are generally used in the treatment of strep throat to avoid serious complications. But you can ease a deep sore throat with the following simple steps:

  • Gargle with salt water (1/2 teaspoon in a cup of water) three to five times a day
  • Drink hot tea with honey and lemon.
  • Be careful to eat soft foods that are easy to swallow.
  • Do not eat or drink acidic foods or water, such as tomato or orange juice.
  • If the above treatments don’t work, try over-the-counter pain relievers, specifically ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
  • Use an anesthetic throat spray that contains benzocaine to relieve pain.
  • Try cough drops or hard candy
  • If your doctor has prescribed any medications, be sure to take all of your antibiotics on time until you have used the entire bottle.

For extreme cases where you are already experiencing 5 or more strep infections a year, discuss the possibility of having your tonsils removed with your doctor.

Acid reflux pain

Acid reflux occurs when the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach does not close properly. Consequently, the acidic contents of the stomach overflow into the esophagus and damage the tissue. A deep sore throat due to acid reflux is usually felt early in the morning upon waking and slowly subsides as the day goes on.

To control this deep sore throat, try sleeping with your head elevated. Don’t eat a few hours before bedtime. If necessary, take an antacid such as Maalox or Tums. If symptoms persist, see your doctor about a long-term resolution.

Sore throat blisters

Many people are unaware of a condition called Herpangina, a disease caused by a virus that creates blisters in the throat. Babies and young children are often the ones infected. This condition is extremely painful and usually lasts for about a week.

The diagnosis must be made by a doctor. To help your child manage a deep sore throat, you need to make sure that they do not give him fruit juices or foods that are high in citric acid.

Your child’s doctor will prescribe an antibiotic and / or a topical anesthetic containing xylocaine or benzocaine if the pain is severe. But this is rarely the case.

Pain caused by smoking

Deep sore throat can be directly caused by smoking. Whether smokers like it or not, the truth is that smoking can cause a number of other illnesses that involve a sore throat, such as lung, mouth, and throat cancer. Interestingly, it is when you quit smoking that you experience a more severe deep sore throat because your lungs begin to expel harmful substances that you had ingested over the years.

The best advice? Stop smoking immediately.

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