
When is the best time of year to propose marriage?

For all of you who have been in a serious relationship for a while and are looking to ask your partner the big question, the two biggest questions puzzling you are when and how. How you plan to do it depends a lot on the tastes and preferences of your beloved, something that will take her by surprise. However, getting the timing just right can make all the difference to your proposal.

So when is the best time of year to propose? Winter or summer? Talking to a few couples and collecting some prevailing trends over the years, here’s what we found.

nail the correct date

There are some days that have channeled others to become the best dates to make your proposal. Here is a short list of them.

  • Valentine’s Day: This is a day that celebrates love. Celebrate relationships. Therefore, there is no better day to ask your loved one to spend the rest of her life with you.
  • Christmas Eve and Christmas: Coming up to number 2, very close to Valentine’s Day, is Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The festive season has an abundance of love and romance in the air. Christmas Eve tends to be a more popular choice than Christmas Day.
  • New Year’s Day: A new year is a new adventure in itself and asking someone to marry you on this day is like embarking on a new journey. There is no better way to start the New Year than to build new relationships and strengthen old ones.
  • Birthday: Although the most popular, Valentine’s Day, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve are usually somewhat predictable. If you really want to keep her in suspense, get on your knees on your sweetheart’s birthday vowing to grow old with her every year. There is nothing that surprises her more and makes her day more special than hers.

The best season of the year

Looking at it in the big picture, summer is the season for weddings. The weather is warm and pleasant and proves to be the perfect backdrop for a wedding. Spring is for budding romances. It’s fun and flirty. The best season for proposals is winter. It’s when you make lifelong commitments. The seriousness of the season is reflected in the seriousness of their decision to take their relationship to a whole new level.

We are not the only ones to make this claim; Most jewelers report a sharp increase in engagement ring sales in the weeks leading up to the winter holidays. The simple reason winter is the popular season is because there are so many holidays. The holidays bring near and dear ones together, allowing you to make things truly special. In addition, it is also a practical option; Get engaged in winter and get married in summer.

As a final, just a little advice. Don’t just limit yourself to a particular date or season. Pick a date that is meaningful to both of you.

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