
What is the best workout ever invented?

You see, in a not-so-distant era (60 years and earlier) the world was a less electronic, digital, robotic, and stress-filled world.

Manual labor was the norm. Automobile, steel and other related industries demanded more muscular strength from the worker than today. One day at work was physical and demanding. It was a workout!

Guys who wanted to get bigger and stronger needed to train with weights. They needed to lift weights and eat healthier foods.

What did you do?

They did what all the most muscular and hardest men (back then they were drug free) were doing and had been doing for 100 years. They trained with weights with a time-tested and time-tested result and diet and training program.

And it worked – these guys got bigger, stronger, and more attractive without all the cardio and fancy weight-training gear. There was no “magic energy or muscle building formula” to spend your money on. Only solid, basic and simple training methods that produce results.

There were no special “caveman, cavewoman, Italian, Greek, NASA, low fat, high fat, have breakfast, no breakfast” diets at that time.

The diet consisted of eating a lot of clean, healthy, natural and varied foods and you will develop the muscular diet. Train hard and stay away from junk food and you will lose body fat. You don’t need to live like a hamster on a wheeled cardiovascular lifestyle.

Yes, there have been improvements in some of these areas of physical fitness, but if you take the time and Google these men, Vic Tanny, Jack Lalanne, Eugene Sandow, to name a few, and look at their photos, you will see not only resistant. Muscular men, slim and handsome but also healthy, they did not live in the gym or spend all their time measuring every gram of food they put into their mouths.

It was when I dropped the “Muscle and Fiction” magazines that had all the bright photos of Arnold, Franco, Lou and other superstars of the day and took the real “how to build muscle and lose fat” magazines that I changed my physique so much that people He accused me of using drugs. In a world where everyone wants “instant results” with “minimal work,” it’s easy to see why people fall in love with the world’s oldest tricks of health and muscle building.

Get off the “hamster wheel” of publicized commercial shows and on the way too successful muscle, strength and health!

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