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What is the best tea for stress and anxiety?

If you are a regular tea drinker, you should know that this magical infusion is perfect for combating stress and anxiety.

Drinking tea is anti-stress, dear friend. You can take it guilt-free, it will relax you, help control anxiety, and generally help you feel better. Obviously, tea does not have the same effect on all people. But if you need to get out of the daily mess, nothing better than having a delicious anti-stress tea by hand and enjoying yourself.

What is the best for anxiety?

What tea for anxiety to choose? Then you will meet them.

Green Tea

L-theanine, a component very present in green tea, is excellent for stimulating brain transmitters that induce relaxation. Also, the dose of caffeine that is available in green tea is already one of the lowest. Therefore, do not stop taking it. Also, keep in mind that it is a very sensory tea, which already induces relaxation and enjoyment just by smelling it. Do not deprive yourself of its benefits, it can help you overcome anxiety.

black tea

Anyone would think that the caffeine content of black tea would not make it exactly a suitable infusion to combat stress. But it’s not like that. A study conducted in the United Kingdom, where one group drank a caffeinated preparation but without tea, and others with tea, produced revealing results. Stress and anxiety levels decreased significantly among those in the second group.

Red tea

It’s great for reducing oxidative stress. Pu-erh red tea has a great ability to combat this problem, for similar reasons as green tea. It’s a powerful antioxidant and you can keep it in mind often when you want something to strip you down a bit. Of course, keep in mind that it is a little higher in caffeine than green, similar to what happens with black tea.

rooibos tea

This South African infusion represents perfection for those who like to drink tea and, in addition, cannot because they do not tolerate or are prohibited from caffeine. According to research carried out in the African country where it originates, rooibos acts directly on cortisol, a hormone responsible for generating stress, acting against anxiety.

Getting closer to what would be known as a decoction of plants or herbs.

However, the meaning of tea will not have been fully realized, if we do not refer to the tea ceremony,

A tradition strongly rooted in Eastern countries such as China and Japan, as well as in British culture. Tea is a true ritual for the English, who have been their main cultists in the West.

The fervor for this drink that they have also imposed, the word tea to refer to the traditional meeting at 5 in the afternoon, has reached such a point.

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