
What is an independent medical examination for a disability insurance claim?

The best Disability Services companies can provide these services to large insurance companies and employers nationwide. Disability services are an important line of business and the Independent Medical Examination (IME) is the most requested service in the disability insurance industry.

An IME is an important part of decision making in a disability insurance claim case. The purpose of this examination is to obtain an impartial and independent medical opinion on the claimant’s disability or injury. This opinion is also often used to judge the employability of the applicant. Sometimes the claimant is out of work and receives disability insurance benefits and the IME lets the employee and employer know if the claimant can return to work.

Some case managers or employers often have trouble determining which provider to use to program their IMEs. The provider you choose to program your IMEs will have a great effect on your customers and / or claimants. You’ll want to find a company that has the proper setup, and more importantly, you need to have enough experience to get the job done efficiently. Time is a factor for these exams and you want a provider who can schedule them quickly, and with high-quality doctors, so you can get a determination for your Disability Insurance Claim case.

The most trusted disability service companies have decades of experience developing and refining their method of monitoring the IME process. They should be with you and offer their help from the time they get the referral until the time a final examiner report is sent to your client.

This shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution like many other providers offer. Your IMEs should be a personalized service because not everyone who wants to program an IME has the same needs. Your disability services scheduling company should also be an expert in all the different types of IMEs that you may need because different situations may require a different type of IME.

A good IME scheduling service should have a large provider network with tens of thousands of Board certified physicians and other health care specialists. Your disability services company needs to staff your office with people who have years of experience treating and scheduling IME. IMEs are what a good Disability Services company should focus on and they should do so with confidence.

If you are interested in obtaining disability services for your organization, you can begin the process by searching for disability services companies in search engines. If you have any additional questions, it is recommended that you find a company that is available by phone. Some companies will have a contact form on their home page and a good company should commit to replying to you via email within 24 hours.

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