Digital Marketing

Viral eBook Marketing: 5 Secrets of Viral eBook Marketing Campaigns

The great thing about viral eBook marketing is that it takes on a life of its own. As people start to spread your eBook virally on the internet, more and more people are taking notice of you, your company and your brand. More people know more about your ebooks and other products and therefore you make more sales. It’s free advertising and free sales, a marketer’s dream combination. So how do you do viral eBook marketing right?

Here are 5 secrets to viral marketing campaigns for eBooks:

Secret #1: Make your ebook free

The most important component for your ebook to go incredibly viral is that it must be free. If it’s free, more people will be able to get their hands on it. If more people can purchase your ebook, it will likely spread to others faster, through email, social networking sites, or even word of mouth.

Secret #2: Have an impressive title

Write an eye-catching title (figuratively speaking, of course) and also include a very attractive electronic cover of your eBook. They say ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, but hey, the title and cover are the only things we can judge the first time we see a book or ebook. A shocking title makes your eBook go viral.

Secret #3: Include the gift rights

In addition to making your ebook free and having an impactful title and a more attractive cover, including a written statement in your ebook that it comes with giveaway rights is also a big help. Gift rights basically give your reader the right to gift it to others without seeking information from the author. This dispels any doubt in people’s minds as to whether they can give away the eBook, which goes a long way in making it go viral.

Secret #4: Write amazing content

Without high-quality content, your eBook viral marketing campaign is likely to collapse like a house of cards. This is the ‘meat’ behind his campaign, so to speak. You need to write content that is fresh or refreshing. You need to gather information that makes people say ‘wow, this eBook is really good.’ The content will be the push factor for people to recommend your ebook to their friends.

Secret #5: Keep it short

This is optional, but since people are so time hungry these days, a short and snappy eBook (often also called a report) may be better suited for viral promotional purposes. Since your eBook is free, you don’t have to include as much information in it as well. A short eBook is consumed faster, making it more likely that people will send it to others.

A free, quality eBook can easily go viral with the right viral eBook marketing campaign. Create your masterpiece now and reap the rewards!

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