Legal Law

Understanding Stress: Top 5 Stress Buttons to Define Your Stress Quotient

When you define or become aware of what causes your stress. You can regain control of your emotions and become calmer and more relaxed. There are at least five hot buttons that will trigger stress very quickly, understanding and eliminating them will therefore improve your life.

Button 1- Busy work: those tasks that are so mundane that a robot should be doing them. He considers them a waste of time, but has turned them into a hot topic of attitude. Try to delegate these tasks if you can. Also try to do the most important ones and put the rest on tomorrow’s list.

Button 2- People looking over their shoulders: Working in a fishbowl environment is no fun at all. I’d ignore the viewers if you can. Do your best, the best way you can, take your time and staying focused will help you focus.

Button 3-Being late for an appointment: Forgetting or being late for a meeting or appointment can be very embarrassing and does nothing for your credibility. Try moving your clock forward five minutes, set an alarm and the appointment on your mobile to remind you well in advance. Call ahead if you are late. But remember if you really wanted to go on that date, maybe that’s why you forgot.

Button 4- You are hungry and irritable: Everyone gets very stressed when their physical need for food is not met, our body tells us in many ways that it needs to recharge. Always, always have bottled water with you at all times. Also take along some healthy snack bars. In fact, reward yourself with some unhealthy snacks, your mood and attitude will thank you.

Button 5 – Totally Overwhelmed: This stress button causes the stances of the other four stress buttons to increase. Cooling this down one way will take effort. You need to take stock of your situation, step back, so to speak, stop and reevaluate your plan, your task or project. You may have to change the time that you are going to finish the project. Shop by mentally stepping back to get a better perspective of what’s causing the stress.

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