
Top Notch Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is better to skip lunch or even dinner than to miss breakfast. You can’t stay awake all day if you don’t get the proper amount of energy that you need to survive a tiring, exhausting day. You don’t need to eat a lot of different foods for breakfast and end up feeling sleepy all day. There are actually plenty of healthy breakfast ideas you can grab and still stay alert while eating less.

1. Oatmeal/Cereal – Oatmeal is a great source of carbohydrates, which are converted into usable energy. Cereals, on the other hand, are a good source of fiber and protein. Mix fresh fruit with your oatmeal and you get not only added flavors but also freshness and energy.

2 eggs – Egg meal recipes contain more protein and bulk, which can help keep you feeling full longer. This also helps reduce the level of food intake. You can also make egg sandwiches that give you the good combination of protein and fiber.

3. Bacons, Sausages and Hams – These breakfast meats are good even when eaten without rice. These meats have a high protein content that is also convertible into energy of last resort.

4. Burritos- Choose a low-carb whole wheat wrap. In addition to eggs, you can also fill your burrito with shredded cheese and low-fat sour cream for added flavor.

5. Smoothies- Replace your water with smoothies like fruit or vegetables. Pineapple smoothies can aid in digestion because they contain the enzyme bromelain. Aside from digestion, fruits and vegetables also help cleanse the body because they are considered antioxidants.

6. Coffee- If you are not a big fan of smoothies because of that certain roughness you feel on your tongue, you can choose to drink coffee. Coffee is believed to increase attention and stimulate brain function. But don’t overdo it!

7. Milk – If you’re not a fan of coffee either, try drinking milk instead. It provides calcium to your body and is more effective when mixed with your daily dose of cereals. Just remember to buy a low-fat one.

8. Beans and Lentils – Beans are good sources of carbohydrates, potassium, and B vitamins. You can enjoy using them as spreads on sandwiches and as additional toppings for your burritos.

9. Fruit – It is well known that fruits are healthy breakfast foods. You can eat them with your cereal to add to your fiber intake or eat them on their own to enjoy their vitamins and minerals.

10. Vegetables – Try to eat raw or steamed vegetables to enjoy the vitamins and minerals they contain, as overcooking can cause loss of essential nutrients.

These healthy breakfast ideas are all you need to get you through a long and tiring day. If you do not eat this type of food, try to mix it with your usual breakfasts and little by little you will get used to it. Take note, your breakfast should always be easy to prepare and at the same time very healthy.

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