
Top 10 Ways To Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse

How is the economy really in 2010 ?, most people do not realize what is really happening. Don’t get caught up in positive messages from governments about a “false sense of security.” We have provided many accurate messages and forecasts to our members, but none could be more important than the main one today. The collapse of the American empire.

You just have to look around to see what’s going on in your neighborhood and at the local mall to see that something is brewing. Yes, it is coming! As government debt levels rise and treasuries don’t appeal to big buyers, these are warning signs that the economy is already in its first stage of collapse. The government is simply keeping rates low to mask the effects.

Many people are in awe of the truth of what is really happening and do not know how to prepare. That being the case, we have helped many people prepare for what lies ahead and we want to share with you 10 quick tips so that you too can prepare for what lies ahead: –

1) Be sure to research and find resources in the library and find out how people were able to survive during the last Great Depression era in the 1930s.

2) It is advisable to clean the house, so to speak. Pay the bills, the debts, the money that people have. In tough times, it is always wise to have cash flow and be prepared otherwise you could run into serious financial difficulties.

3) Find out which businesses thrive in tough times. Some people have made a good fortune in the last great depression because people were desperate for a certain product or service. Don’t put your head in the sand, make the best of a bad situation. There are always opportunities regardless of the economic climate.

4) If you look back, gold and silver have always done extremely well in tough times economically speaking. Trading your money for gold, gold and silver bullion is one of the smartest things you can do. It is a hedge against inflation and will save you from the massive hyperinflation to come. These have predominantly done well during times of recession or depression in the past.

5) Deflation can sometimes affect stock prices. If you invest a lot in the stock market, check your investments. Keep the stocks you think will perform well in the long run and move some of your capital into gold and silver based funds. These are becoming increasingly popular as people begin to see the benefits involved and the warning signs of a total economic meltdown are clear.

6) Water is key. Make sure to stock up on food and especially water. There will come a time when water will be a precious commodity. We need it to survive and use it in our day to day. Make sure to stock up on water in case there is a shortage of food and other essentials in the future.

7) Prepare a first aid kit. If emergency rooms are full of sick and injured people, you don’t want to be caught off guard. Keep a first aid kit on hand so you can care for a sick or injured family member and can support you until a medical professional can care for you.

8) Two heads are better than one. Strong and tight communities are always better prepared during economic difficulties. Get to know your neighbors more and help them. It has been one of the best survival tactics used since the beginning of time.

9) Grow a backyard garden. Not only is this food much healthier and more nutritious, but you will also save a lot of money building and growing things yourself.

10) Learn to barter. Usually there are problems with currencies during economic crises and there are large fluctuations in the price of money that affect the price of things. Learn to trade, trade, negotiate with people to get what you want. This can be a matter of life and death, so it is an important skill.

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