Lifestyle Fashion

These people are crazy !: 5 current examples!

If you have ever observed some actions, rhetoric and / or reasoning / justification, etc., and they do not seem to make any sense, to you, it may indicate more about what is happening, than about your ability to understand! In recent years, when significant numbers of people seem to equate actual events with conspiracy theories and so-called alternative facts, we have simultaneously observed a worrying expansion in behaviors that, objectively, indicate, risk, significant, undesirable ramifications! , etc! It’s gotten to the point where I feel like some of these people are just insane! With this in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 5 current examples of this behavior and the inherent risks and ramifications, in the immediate, intermediate and long term.

1. Pandemic Denial / Deception: After more than a year of this terrible pandemic, where more than 585,000 have died and at least 3.3 million Americans infected and millions more worldwide, how can anyone continue to deny the risks and the realities! Given that many of these individuals seemed to adhere and believe / trust Trump’s alternate reality / facts and the alarming increase in the apparent following of conspiracy theories etc, it probably shouldn’t be that surprising. but, still, it is extremely worrying!

2. Anti – masks: Common sense, should, indicate, use properly, masks, especially, regarding viruses in the air, it is effective! Public health experts warn us, especially before there was a vaccine, face coverings are effective in reducing transmission! Why are some against doing it? Was it denial, selfishness, or stupidity? When we witness strong opposition to doing so, especially those who claim it violates their freedoms, and / or there are no viruses, etc., this is not normal!

3. Anti – vaccine: Significant studies indicate that all three conditionally approved vaccines are safe and extremely effective, especially against the extreme potential ramifications of infection. Experts tell us that the most effective way to overcome this, in the long run, and create a much more normal existence, etc., is if about 80% of the public got vaccinated and we achieved, what is known as herd immunity! So why is a seemingly significant minority so opposed to behaving and cooperating for the common good?

Four. Reviewing the events of January 6 / Revisionist history: How many videos, etc., have we seen that demonstrate, clearly (or should), that the events of January 6, 2021 were much more than a protest to be closer to an insurrection? In recent days, many Republican Representatives seem to be trying to review the events of that day, using implausible statements, stating that there was no danger and blaming the media for these representations. Revisionist history, especially when it relates to these kinds of dangers and threats to America’s freedom, is dangerous and, it seems, crazy!

5. The big lie, versus theft: Donald Trump, and many of his leading supporters, reject, to this day, the results of the 2020 presidential election, even after 60 lawsuits, and a dozen specific recounts and constant confirmation of the original results. On January 6, events allegedly occurred, due to these beliefs, etc.! Others, acknowledge, this is truly, The Big Lie, which appears to be a continuation of the many lies the former president committed during his tenure!

Are these people, crazy or insane, like a fox, and using this approach, to try to reverse / oppose events, they don’t like / disagree with? guarantees, freedoms, rights and what we have come to call, the American Way!

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