Lifestyle Fashion

The power of natural play for effortless seduction and attraction

Girls want leaders who are in control of their emotions, not needy betas who are always desperate for their approval.

You know it. Everybody knows this. Now, I’m talking about emotionally healthy women longing for emotionally healthy men. I’m not talking about some kind of weird “codependent” relationship where each person is trying to fill a “hole” left by some parent.

But everyone also knows that to get that six pack, you have to eat lean protein every day and do a couple thousand sit-ups every morning.

Clearly, knowing what to do and being able to do it are two completely different things.

Just knowing that having an indestructible frame will make a girl literally melt in your presence, being able to pull it off, especially in the heat of the moment, isn’t that easy.

Fortunately, there are some mental strategies that will help you. Kind of like when you intend to get that six pack, you don’t fill the freezer with ice cream and cookies.

The first mind trick is to set a strong and specific intention before entering any situation. Most guys go out with the vague intention of getting laid or “hopefully” collecting phone numbers.

Then they get into the mix, and their caveman instincts are pulling their emotions all over the place. Since they really have no idea what they want, their conscious minds don’t know what to focus on and their caveman brains take over.

This usually doesn’t end well.

On the other hand, if you focus on a specific intention, and ONLY try to achieve THAT, it will be much easier.

Another mind trick that works very well in conjunction with this is understanding that learning to play is a lifelong process. Clearly, being able to approach cute girls and get them into bed is a fantastic skill that will literally resonate in all areas of your life.

Better relationships, better health, and much more income and respect await you once you “master” this skill. Because for most guys, talking to pretty girls when everything is on the line is their deepest, darkest fear, once you can do this consistently, everything else in life will be a piece of cake.

So always keep in mind a long-term view.

Choose whatever you feel comfortable doing, and set THAT as your intention, and keep doing THAT and only THAT until you’re ready for the next level.

Make eye contact, make eye contact and smile, say hi, whatever. Just choose ONE specific intention each time you go out and focus ONLY on achieving that intention.

This will drastically reduce fear, significantly improve your figure and make you much more attractive.

Another thing that will help is to ALWAYS keep a few things in mind that are AS IMPORTANT or MORE IMPORTANT than getting girls.

So every time you talk to them, they will feel like you are doing more important things in life than just chasing skirts.

It will have the paradoxical effect of making you irresistible.

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