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The importance of testing network cables

It is imperative to test a new network cable after installation with cable test tools. Many things can go wrong during the installation process, including damaged wires, broken insulation, and improperly terminated connections. In addition, electrical disturbances and environmental components can also affect network performance. Most of the time, after completing a network installation project, it is a requirement to generate a report stating that each and every cable passes the many required parameters. Cable testing assures the customer that all work has been performed to the required standard. Testing the network cables will also prevent the client from calling in the future to say that they tried to patch a new port and the connection is not working, therefore it must be a bad cable.

Network cable testing is highly dependent on the purpose of the cabling. For example, if it is a telephone cable, it will require fewer parameters during testing, but if it is a Category 5e or Category 6 data cable, it will require a detailed series of tests to ensure that it can meet the necessary requirements. data speed. The tests are much stricter at this level.

The smaller and less expensive cable testers consist of a cable mapping tool that is used to ensure that the cable pairs are correctly connected for the pinout system in use. These individual cable testers are inexpensive and can save a lot of time. The tool can be used to search for open pairs, trades, and short positions. Open pairs are wires that are not bonded at the end. This is usually due to the wires at either end not being pushed all the way to the termination pins. Smaller testers can also check continuity and how long a cable is connected to a switch port.

A higher grade cable tester can be used to test the length of the cable. While there are detailed specifications for all types of cable work, it varies depending on the type of cable in use and the type of network for installation. That’s why it’s good practice to be careful not to exceed the cable limit allowed for a network project. It may look good when designed on paper, but it needs to be verified once the installation is complete. Network cable testing will ensure that the cable meets the required standard.

Most of the time, when installing network cables, there is always a degradation of the signals as they are transmitted along the cable lines. This condition is known as mitigation. When increased on a network connection, signals may be lost. This is very common on faster networks. Testing cables with a good tester can be used to detect this fault whenever it occurs.

It is very important to test all network cables after installation to ensure that all cables are properly installed and terminated and that the installation can deliver the required level of speed and data quality. All cables, no matter how small the job, should be tested. It makes no sense to leave yourself exposed to wiring problems and call back by not testing. It also gives your company a much more professional reputation.

The tests mentioned above and many more are where a network cable test tool is needed to validate installations. There are other tools besides the tester, but the cable tester is the most important. Investing in a cable tester will save you money and time in the long run. It will also keep your customers very happy and take your company’s reputation to the next level.

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