
The difference between guarana and caffeine in brain and heart health

The indigenous people of the Amazon River Basin have been using guarana (guaranine) to prevent fatigue and increase physical endurance since before recorded history.

Unlike caffeine, guarana is full of healthy fatty acids. Good fat gives guaranine a slow release. Its effect gradually increases over a period of hours. It doesn’t get you up and down like quick-release caffeine, nor does it cause jittery, jittery energy.

Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world. Hundreds of studies have shown that it increases mental performance. One, published in Neurology, found that three cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of mental decline by more than 50%.

Coffee gives a brief burst of energy, but it overheats and overstimulates your body. Guaranine has a refreshing action that revitalizes and relaxes, much more beneficial! You gain energy and alertness, but remain calm.

Paullina cupana, this rainforest herb with guaranine, works its magic by releasing acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, in your brain. This brain chemical allows nerve cells to fire across the gap between the trillions of neurons in the brain.

Therefore, your mind is sharp and your memory is clear. Morning coffee releases acetylcholine which gives you the high.

But… coffee WILL DEPLETE your acetylcholine store. Guaranine is slow acting without any of the side effects of caffeine, but it works the same way. Eventually you lose your store of acetylcholine.

But if you trigger an acetylcholine release with CHOLINE and then rebuild your stores, you can maintain that amazing burst of clarity long-term.

Choline is the main component of acetylcholine. Your brain burns it 24/7 to maintain clear communication for all the basics like thinking, memory and sleep, even how you move.

That means your sense of balance and stability are controlled by choline-built acetylcholine.

Your choline supply declines as you age and you can expect some or all of these symptoms:

  • Poor memory and memory loss.
  • Tiredness or lack of energy.
  • Brain fog and/or a feeling of confusion.
  • Trouble falling asleep, tossing and turning.
  • Unable to catch up, or learn new things.
  • Feeling distracted or irritable.
  • Walking with a staggering or trembling step, unable to maintain balance

When choline levels drop, your brain goes on a scavenger hunt and pulls choline from nerve cell membranes. This last resort is called “self-cannibalism” and it is very dangerous.

Not surprisingly, Alzheimer’s patients have very low levels of acetylcholine. As the disease progresses, it is the choline neurons that show the most damage.

Put more choline in your body! Your brain receives more neurotransmitters that keep your mind sharp and your memory fresh.

When you combine choline and guaranine, you get a greater release of acetylcholine than taking guaranine alone. That results in the feeling of energy and mental power. But instead of depleting your reserves, you accumulate them.

Choline and guaranine are enough to repair and rejuvenate your aging brain. But there is another key brain booster essential to a better formula: DMAE.

Clinical studies show that DMAE can:

  • IQ increase
  • Accelerate mental speed and your ability to process thoughts and ideas
  • Improve your concentration and remove the “fog” in the morning
  • Relieve symptoms of mild depression
  • Decrease irritability and overactivity Increase alertness without causing drowsiness

Choline also lowers homocysteine ​​and CRP levels, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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