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The Bible and mythopoeic language in the Scriptures

As we examine the work done by scholars working with secular documents and records to give us a realistic view or framework of the images and events described in Scripture, we come to see how the images play out. However, we do not understand what we are seeing; unless we do so with the perspective that just because we don’t understand the images we’re seeing in Scripture, our lack of understanding doesn’t make these supposed mythical images any less real. It is when we move toward unwavering faith that we come to understand God’s imagination.

He has displayed his imagination and made himself clearly visible and seen in the many varieties of animal, insect and plant species that he created. It is in this imagination that we are moved from superficial faith to seek the power and vitality that God reveals to us in our Christian heritage.

That is to say, that our imagination is limited and our understanding dulled does not mean that the images described in the Bible are not real. We must understand that all subjective analysis is based on human opinion and perspective. The first thing we need is the transformation of biblical faith.

Biblical faith is narrow in the sense that we understand that what God reveals to us can only be understood and described in the finite state of our being. In other words, it should be compared to the story of three blind men describing an elephant. One is touching the trunk of him, one-his side and the last-his tail. Everyone has a different perspective depending on the position they occupy, but just because their perspectives are different, it doesn’t mean that one is right and the other is wrong.

In believing that the Bible is the written Word of God, it behooves us to take into account the various points of view of the writers based on the inspiration they received from the Holy Spirit. After all the Scripture also says, (1 Corinthians 2:9) “But as it is written: Things that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered the heart of man, are what God has prepared for those who love him. . “

Before you allow someone to shake you in your faith and in the validity of God’s word, ask yourself this question. When critics speak of “biblical mythology,” is it really a myth or a misunderstood truth?

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