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The best aromas for open house visits

While you could certainly argue that our other senses are more important, never underestimate the power of smell. Our olfactory system is powerful and complex. With just one sniff, you may feel revulsion, curiosity, comfort, seduction, or even excitement. And think of all the billions of dollars spent on fragrances each year. Consider perfumes and colognes that cost more than $ 50 a bottle, candles, incense, oil, sprays …

The aroma also ties us to memories. Have you ever smelled something and it brought back a meaningful memory? Take a moment right now and imagine these smells: your grandmother’s house, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, your lover’s perfume or cologne, a box of crayons, salty sea air, campfire smoke, buttery popcorn. , playdough, a Christmas tree, cutting grass … At least one of those scents probably triggered a memory in you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if more than half of them did. The scents stay with you and when you smell them after time has passed, you can be momentarily transported to your past. Because scents are so influential and atmospheric, it is incredibly important that you think about the scent in your home while trying to sell it. By using the best scents for your open house tours, you will be able to attract shoppers’ noses as well as their hearts, minds, and wallets.

First, take a moment to analyze the smell in your home. Most likely, you can’t smell it. This is common, but don’t let it fool you into thinking your house doesn’t smell. As with most things, if you are around an odor for too long, you will get used to it and soon you will not notice it at all. So instead of relying on your own ideas about your home, ask your friends, family, or real estate agent to tell you what they smell when they walk into your house. Hopefully, your impressions are positive. If so, you can certainly choose to leave the house as is, with its pleasant everyday scent, or you can choose something more distinctive and dramatic. If the results are negative, you should make a change before inviting buyers to an open house.

A well-scented home begins with cleaning. Clean your house thoroughly, in all its nooks and crannies, and if you have persistent disinfecting unpleasant odors (smoke, cat hair, mold, etc.), you may want to call a professional. So, it’s time to choose your scent!

One of the most common scents for open houses is freshly baked cookies. This is a safe option because most people like cookies and their smell evokes a pleasant, homey, and comforting feeling. To achieve this smell, simply bake some cookies right before the open house begins. However, make sure they are out of the oven before you begin, so you don’t risk burning the cookies or having to rush to get them in the middle of a conversation.

For a simpler, cleaner scent, try lemon, basil, rosemary, or pine. These fresh fragrances are recognizable and understated. Some other good options are orange, cinnamon, vanilla, or mint.

When choosing and using scents, be sure to keep the scent natural and subtle. It’s best to avoid artificial odors, so don’t run before you spray Febreeze. You want guests to get the impression that your home always smells clean and pleasant, so try to use natural techniques. You can cut citrus fruits for drinks, display twigs of herbs, or boil cinnamon on the stove. Try simmering lemon, rosemary, and vanilla on the stove or, if it’s December, boil cinnamon and display fragrant pine boughs for garnish and scent.

With a lot of cleanliness and a little scent, you can help home buyers see just how beautiful their home really is. Good luck!

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