
SoulCollage – Fall in love with yourself!

What is SoulCollage®?

SoulCollage® is a unique combination of spiritual practice and the fun of collage. It was created by Seena Frost in 1980 while working with friends and clients at her therapy practice in California.

Each card in a SoulCollage® deck represents and honors one of the following facets of my unique life: a voice that lives inside of me, a person who supports me, an animal that has a special energy to give me, or a mythical figure that supports me. guide. me.

Using very simple materials (scissors, glue, construction paper, and magazine pictures), I create my cards and interpret them using journaling or other activities. I use my deck to help me find answers to questions that arise in my life and to access my own deep wisdom.

falling in love with myself

I make cards for all the voices within me…even the dark and gloomy ones. For example, these are some of the voices I honor with my SoulCollage® deck: the one who loses their temper, the one who weighs too much, the one who is lonely, the one who is impatient.

Of course, I also make cards for my inner voices that bring me light and joy: the one who is a teacher, the one who cares, the one who creates, the carefree girl. As I work through this amazing process, I find that I am more and more able to embrace every part of me, even the dark ones. It is in this embrace that I come to wholeness, and it is in this wholeness that I discover that I am falling in love with myself, one SoulCollage® card at a time.

Click here to see some sample SoulCollage cards.

9 Steps to Your First SoulCollage(TM) Card

The most important thing to remember while creating SoulCollage® cards is to respect your own process. Please note that these steps are just guidelines. Feel free to deviate from them at any time and in any way! And don’t forget to have fun!!!

1. Create a sacred space by lighting a small candle and/or playing soft music that delights your soul.

2. Gather your materials and place them on the table in front of you. You should have the following: a 5″ x 8″ piece of board or cardboard, a pair of scissors, an acid-free glue stick or a jar of rubber cement, and several magazines.

3. Spend a generous amount of time reading the magazines. Delete any image you like, find attractive for ANY REASON. Don’t ask yourself WHY you might be attracted to the images. Just take them out!

4. Distribute the images around you. Gather them into smaller piles, sorting them by colors, energies, themes, or patterns. For example, you may notice that you have a lot of images of stairs, windows, birds, people frowning, or… You may see multiple images that seem to go together for some reason. You don’t need to verbalize a reason to group some images together.

5. When you have several different stacks sorted by theme, choose one of them.

6. Start playing with the images you have chosen. Place them on top of each other or next to each other. Arrange and rearrange them until you arrive at a layout you like. Trust your intuition. You will know when it looks “right”.

7. Glue the images onto the 5″ x 8″ board or cardboard.

8. You have created your first SoulCollage® card!

9. Now is the time to do the I am the one who… Exercise with your card to deepen your experience with it and begin to integrate its meaning into your life. Detailed instructions for this part of the process can be found.


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