
Sophie Dahl Weight Loss: How Did She Lose Over 30 Pounds?

Have you probably heard of the model, Sophie Dahl? She was famous for being a “curvy” emerging model. Many women applauded her because she was like them, naturally “curvy”.

Then he went and lost over 30 pounds in a year. Now he looks amazing: fit, sporty and healthy. Some feminists have even attacked her. But what about your “natural curves”? Is she really betraying women?

Let’s be clear here, there is Not things like “curves”. The curves are thick, simple and straightforward. The “curves” are just an excuse to stay fat and unhealthy. So now we have that out of the way and we can face reality, let’s ask ourselves “how did Sophie do it?” He did it in 2 ways.

Green Tea

He drank many cups of green tea every day. It’s a great way to boost your metabolism, and it’s also very healthy because it contains a generous amount of healthy chemicals called polyphenols. It’s no wonder, then, that Japanese islanders live as long as their diet is full of these tasty things.

Home cooking

Sophie ditched modern processed foods for organic home-cooked meals like her grandmother made. We are talking about a kitchen that dates back to wartime Britain, when people were forced to grow their own food and cook it. It was an extremely healthy food and lacked the large amounts of adulterants and saturated fat found in many modern diets.

That’s. Just by following the two really easy rules above, she lost what she calls her “puppy fat” and you can too.

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