Shopping Product Reviews

Social Media Marketing – The Most Effective Way of Marketing

Marketing yourself or your product can take a lot of time and money. At least, that’s what marketers want you to think. While it is true that to put a professional marketing strategy in place, you will need practical knowledge and experience, but to get started with internet marketing, you just need a little time and a little brain. This article will help you realize the potential of social networking sites and how to properly incorporate them into your marketing scheme.

For this article, I will use the idea that you have written a self-help book, and that is what you will market to the world. These same strategies can be used to market anything – music, movies, art, lawn mowing services, resume writing classes – but in this case, we’ll be looking at a book. There are four main types of social media marketing: blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

One of the best ways to publicize your product is to have a blog. WordPress marketing refers to using the WordPress blog hosting site to set up a blog and market your product. A blog is a web record, which is very different from a website or a wiki. On a website, the content is quite static, and the user goes to the site for information and then leaves. On a blog, the reader can comment and ask questions, and the information is updated regularly. There are blogs about everything imaginable today, so getting a blog to market your product should be the first step in your marketing strategy. Blogs are easier to get and maintain than a website, and you can put all your vital information there.

The second step in using social networking sites for internet marketing is to set up a Facebook account for your product. If you already have a personal account, set up a fan page for yourself as a writer, but also be sure to set up a fan page for your book. To get the most out of your profile, keep it up to date and continue to use it. Make sure your profile photo resembles your book and how you want it to appear to the world. Add friends who have similar interests to you, such as self-help organizations, booksellers, publishers, and people in general. Update your wall with information about yourself, the book, tour dates and signings, and other things of interest. Be sure to keep this profile separate from yours; no one wants to see pictures of you passed out when they seek self help.

Twitter marketing can be used in conjunction with your Facebook marketing and your blog. When you create a new blog, update the link on your Facebook page and through your Twitter. You can use your Twitter the same way you use your Facebook, keeping your followers up to date. Twitter is an easier way to keep in touch with your readers and network with people.

YouTube marketing is still fairly new, and unlike other forms of internet marketing, it’s harder to pin down. However, creating short and nice videos about yourself and your product will help increase your readership. For example, record yourself reading something from your book, then include a link to your social media. Record your readings, tours and book signings and post them too.

By using all of these strategies, you will get your name and your product available to consumers.

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