
Simple home remedies for the common cold

At one time or another, we have all had the common cold. By practicing prevention, you can reduce the chance of catching a cold.

If you’re battling a cold, we’ll look at home remedies to get you back on your feet in no time.

In terms of prevention, vitamin D deficiency has become one of the most important factors in the onset and prevention of so many diseases and illnesses. In the north, where winters are long, it’s more difficult to get all the vitamin D we need from the sun alone. In these parts of the country, there are higher levels of diseases such as cancer.

To keep your vitamin D levels adequate (year-round blood serum levels should be between 50 and 80 ng/mL), try these techniques: Midday sun exposure: Go outside when the weather is nice. Make sure as much skin as possible is exposed (be careful not to burn yourself). Twenty to thirty minutes in the sun each day will produce 10,000 IUs of vitamin D. This is 50 times more than the US government recommendation of 200 IUs per day.

Take a vitamin D supplement (in capsule or liquid form). Outside of summer, take 5,000 IU daily for 2-3 months. Then check your blood serum levels, performing a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, to make sure they’re adequate.

Make sure you get enough vitamin C. Oranges and other citrus fruits are packed with this vitamin and should be eaten regularly. Our bodies need vitamin C to maintain our bones, muscles, and blood vessels, as well as to help the body absorb iron and form collagen.

If you already have a cold, here are some tips to feel better fast!

• Rest! It takes an enormous amount of effort for our bodies to ward off a cold. Help him by resting on the bed.

• Drink warm liquids: tea or water with lemon will keep you from becoming dehydrated and help with nasal congestion.

• Blow your nose – blow your nose regularly when you are cold. It is counterproductive to suck mucus into the nose. Always wash your hands well after blowing your nose to prevent the spread of germs.

• Menthol ointment is excellent for congestion. Find a salve at your health food store that contains menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor essential oils. Put some ointment under the nose. This will help open up your sinuses and soothe irritated skin.

• Gargling can help moisten a scratchy, sore throat and provide some relief. To a glass of water, add some Himalayan sea salt and dissolve it. Gargle at least 4 times a day for best results.

• Take a hot shower: There’s nothing like a hot shower, especially when you’re not feeling well. Taking one will moisten your nasal passages and promote relaxation.

• Apply hot or cold compresses to your sinuses to provide some relief.

• When you sleep, prop yourself up with an extra pillow. The increased height will help with drainage of the sinuses.

• Grandma’s chicken soup is really therapeutic. Any soup that is packed with a variety of vegetables has been shown to lessen cold symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold.

The common cold should only last a few days. Home remedies for the common cold can be quite effective. However, if you don’t start to feel better or seem to feel worse, see a doctor.

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