Digital Marketing

SEO is dead, again

SEO is dead?

“The sky is falling!” shouted Chicken Little. Except it’s not just a Chicken Little, but a massive crowd of them, all declaring that SEO is dead. It’s 2015 and don’t let the hype give you the “ouch” attitude. Do you hear this all year round?

A. Google has discovered it all.

B. Google has made too many changes.

C. Google has closed link building.

D. Google has killed SEO.

Search engine optimizations are still here

You can choose to believe it if you want. But you are not imagining it if you think you can hear the sound of silent laughter somewhere in the background.

Do you know who is laughing? They are the people who have been around the longest. People who have been doing search engine optimization for years. Why? Because they’ve seen it before.

It’s all one big circle, and we’re back to the part where everyone freaks out and runs in circles screaming “the sky is falling.” Except for the few who just keep going, adapt and surprisingly (or not) continue to see success.

Sure, things change. But they also stay the same. The basic formula for SEO success remains:

1. Happy

2. Links

3. Traffic

Great content has always been powerful. The difference is that you used to be able to get away with junk content if you just bombarded your site with junk links. Well … things are the same, but different.

Key SEO tactics

Great content is still powerful. More than ever. But it’s much harder to get away with junk content and junk links. Guess what? Create great content.

Links are still critical. But just like the content, it’s pretty hard to get by with total crap. You need fewer and better links to get the job done. And preferably, some links that will lead to number 3.

Traffic. We all know that Google uses factors like bounce rate, time on site, and number of visitors to validate the importance of a website. They have even started to consider SSL certificates and mobile-ready design. And yes, it is a bit of work to get real traffic to your site.

But if you use these three elements together, they combine with each other and naturally help you achieve success.

1. Create decent content that people really want to see / read / watch.

2. Build links and shares on social networks from places where people actually meet.

3. People will read your content, like it and share / link to it.

SEO and tools

As much as I wish I could give you all this wrapped in a nice bow, Market tools like SocialAdr, Hootsuite and others only automate the n. 2, with a side effect of No. 3. You are responsible for getting decent content.

Create your own marketing toolbox. There are many systems that work. Find out what is best for you. One way is to post your original content on EzineArticles and other sites like this.

Yes, I know that SEO in the new world could be a bit more complicated than it used to be when we attacked a site with 10 billion low-quality links. But we can still take some of the work off your plate.

SEO is not dead. It still has the same core elements it always had, you just need to make them a little better and a little different. So go out there and make it happen.

Or you can put on a blindfold and run in circles with everyone else. I think your line is “the sky is falling!” Be successful today.

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