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Scriptless Test Automation Myths

Myth 1: Tool automation engineers are no longer needed

Truth 1: Not having scripts in any way suggests eliminating automation tools. Scriptless works in collaboration with underlying automation tools like QTP, Functional Tester, Selenium, and many others. Although the scriptless approach ensures that manual testers and SMBs can automate test cases, scriptless automation goes beyond simple test case automation. A test team needs tool automation experts to create, maintain, and improve automation strategy, technology assets, object management, and more.

Myth 2: Scriptless is just about putting functions in a sequence

Truth 2: Scriptless is an approach to making test automation scalable without increasing the cost of people, tools, technology, and infrastructure. It ensures that the impact of change is well managed without compromising quality and time to market.

It is true that scriptless makes test case automation very easy. Take the complexities out of the testing tool. It is a layer that resides on top of any test automation tool. This layer houses all the code assets that are ready to use and reusable. They are not test case scripts, but scripts at a granular level that can be scaled across technology, automation tool, and applications.

So no scripting is all about getting these code assets that can be sequenced in more than one way to create an automated case for any application built on any technology framework and testable with any test automation tool. Scriptless should encourage scalability and flexibility.

Myth 3: It makes automation the responsibility of the manual tester

Truth 3: Although with scriptless automation, manual testers can now quickly automate test cases, test automation remains a strong suit for test automation engineers. As I mentioned earlier in my first point, scriptless automation goes beyond just automating test cases. Ideally, a test team should engage around 20% of test automation experts. What if you need to change the code asset that has been used to create various test cases when the behavior of that particular UI object class has changed? Scriptless is an approach to building a streamlined test automation process. Therefore, it is not just the responsibility of a manual tester, but of the entire team.

Myth 4: Once built, it’s built for life

Truth 4: Not scripting is about building an open architecture to institutionalize the framework that allows for adaptability and flexibility to changes in tools, technologies, processes, etc.

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