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Romance Novels To Read – 5 Historical Girl Movie Books

A story of romance novels

Romance novels are among the most popular forms of literature today. Most of the time, modern love stories are written with feminine sensibilities in mind, specifically from a woman’s point of view. The romance book industry is largely a female-driven medium, focusing on the various areas of life that women consider important.

Can you believe that short love story book you just read has a long and famous history? The romantic books that fill your shelves have been around for centuries.

Where did it all start?

Marking her birth during the English Renaissance, female fiction was written by a male pen and guided by the male point of view on the subject that is purely female. As a result, patriarchal ideas have been reinforced through literature and promoted the female sphere during the period that saw the rise of women’s literacy. However, the appearance of the translation of the Spanish novel The Mirror of Knighthood by Margaret Tyler and Urania by Mary Wroth have become notable exceptions to this theory.

The commercial success of Renaissance romances can be attributed to the emergence of a greater number of female readers. Most of the Jacobean and Elizabethan romantic authors attributed their fame and commercial success to noble readers or those who belong to the middle ranks of society, assuring their loyal followers of their unconditional dedication.

A short list of the best romance novels of all time

The romance book genre has surely had a rich history. However, it is said that passion, devotion, relationships and love are easily experienced, but they are a bit difficult to express in written words. However, over the years, there are good romance books that have managed to capture the hearts of readers from all walks of life, earning the title of being the best romance novels of all time.

  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This romance novel has sold more than 120 million copies, with numerous imitations and adaptations, proving that it has withstood even the harshest test of time.

  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Largely ignored and initially criticized for its inadequate description of blind love, this is a true romantic classic that is considered one of the best-known love stories English literature has ever produced.

  • Jane Eyre by Emily Brontë

Widely recognized for addressing issues of sexuality, feminism, religion, and class in first-person narrative, it is a popular romance book that has a rebellious streak that breaks the 19th century status quo.

  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Hailed by Times magazine as the greatest romance novel ever written, Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina is a true masterpiece.

  • Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind

Taking second place among America’s best romance novels, the romantic classic explores the life of Scarlett O’Hara. It is also the same story that earned the author her Pulitzer Price in 1937.

It would be impossible to list everyone’s favorite romance book of all time, but the list above is a good place to start developing your taste for romance literature.

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