Lifestyle Fashion

remove man boobs

The different types of man boobs

The appearance of man boobs results, in most cases, from excessive development of mammary gland tissue in the chest or from the accumulation of excessive adipose (fatty) tissue. While the causes of these unsightly appendages may differ, people with both conditions may show growth ranging from barely noticeable swelling around the nipple to large, inevitably noticeable, pendulous breasts.

What follows is a basic breakdown of the differences and what can be done to effectively combat the development of man boobs.

GRAMmeandular development

in adolescence

During puberty, some boys experience growth in the glandular tissue on their chest, which is caused by excess testosterone in their bodies and the inability of their livers to process the hormone. This excess testosterone is converted to estrogen, the female sex hormone, and causes the growth of the mammary glands. Many male adolescents experience such growth, and for most the visual effects disappear by early adulthood. For some, however, the enlarged tissue remains, hardens, and can only be removed surgically.

in athletes

The use of anabolic steroids by athletes and bodybuilders can also lead to the development of mammary gland tissue, for which the only removal option is surgical removal.

Commonly in adulthood

In adulthood, glandular growth can occur, usually along with the accumulation of fatty and fibrous tissue in the chest, exacerbating the appearance of the male breast. Such glandular growth can be precipitated by the use of certain medications, as well as by the ingestion of naturally occurring female hormones in widely purchased estrogenic foods. In cases like this, surgery may be unnecessary, as the individual could focus on the growth of adipose tissue, as well as modify their dietary or medication intake, to prevent any further glandular development, thus achieving visually satisfying results in male breast reduction.

A simple but effective way to gauge the type of man boob growth you are experiencing is to feel the area under the nipple. If you identify a firm, rubbery, disc-like growth, it is most likely glandular development rather than fatty tissue accumulation. In this case, or if you have any concerns about unexpected growth or development, you should see your GP as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of any type of malignant growth.

Non-glandular Man Boobs: Pseudogynecomastia

This is probably why man boobs are the easiest to understand and treat.

Obesity, loss of a significant amount of weight, and alcohol abuse and poor diet can all contribute to the buildup of fatty tissue around the chest. The chest is an area where fat accumulates easily and where removing it can seem particularly difficult, as the fatty tissue around the chest can be the most persistent.

However, it is not impossible to flatten the chest using the correct techniques, both dietary and physical. In fact, outstanding results can be achieved in a short time using methods that specifically target the accumulation of fat in the chest region.

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