
Quality multivitamins and minerals for children

Are you having trouble getting your kids to eat their fruits and vegetables? Are you eating fast food more often than you’d like? Are you sure whose lunch they really eat at school every day? Is fish on your “Do Not Touch” list? Have you had a course of antibiotics in the last 6 months? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then your children are at risk for nutritional deficiencies and you should consider a quality vitamin and mineral supplement. I will give you a guide on the type of supplements you should consider for your children every day.

We know our kids need fruits and vegetables every day, but sometimes it’s hard to get them to eat adequate levels of these colorful things. Their schedules are hectic and we rush them from one event to another. Adequate levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are difficult to provide on a consistent basis. Plus, every parent knows that lunchtime is basically an opportunity for the kids to have a “swap meet” as the kids trade and swap the contents of their lunchbox. A quality multivitamin and multimineral a day can ensure that no matter whose lunch it is, they’ll still get a daily dose of quality nutrition. Also, many vitamins come with concentrates from a multitude of fruits and vegetables. If not, you can now buy supplements that are concentrates of whole fruits and vegetables separately. While it lacks the benefits of fiber, it’s still improving your child’s health with the bioflavonoids and phytonutrients so vital to their health.

Children are amused by fish or food that smells funny. Also, many families simply do not offer fish as a meal on a regular basis. We know that 2 or more servings a week of fatty cold-water fish is very important for the growing brain to develop properly. However, the good fats found in walnuts, flaxseed, and even avocados can also be beneficial. To ensure your child gets adequate amounts of healthy fats for maximum brain development, you can supplement with fish oil in capsules or chewable supplements available now. Another easy option is to add flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed to a hearty breakfast oatmeal. It has a nutty flavor that is easily hidden in the cereal. Another way to ensure a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids every day is to put a teaspoon in a fruit smoothie. These are quick, healthy and tasty breakfasts for kids on the go.

Antibiotics are everywhere in our environment. Our milk, our meats, and even our water supply contain trace amounts of antibiotics. Of course, many school-age children are exposed to communicable diseases and receive antibiotics for strep throat and ear infections, coughs, and sinus disorders. These powerful antibiotics eventually kill not only the harmful bacteria but also the helpful bacteria that normally reside in your intestinal tract. Without these healthy bacteria, your child has a hard time maintaining colon health and even using some nutrients, such as B vitamins, in his diet.

Fortunately, you can restore healthy bacteria to your child’s GI tract by adding healthy bacteria to a supplement called probiotics. These healthy bacteria are also found in the milk cultures used to make yogurt. The bacteria are not harmful and contribute to a healthy digestive system.

Multivitamins and minerals, fruit and vegetable concentrates, flaxseed oil or fish oil, and healthy probiotics are appropriate supplements for most children. While a healthy diet is something we all strive for, you can buy “insurance” with a smart supplement regimen for your family.

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