Legal Law

Position yourself as an expert and your business will prosper!

What is positioning?

It is a marketing technique used by all the successful marketers, gurus, personalities, and successful business owners on the planet. (Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Rush Limbaugh) And can be used by any network marketer. In fact, your company and the bigwigs within your company use this technique every day to build their businesses.

Okay, okay… but what is it?

Positioning is simply this:

Define your target market and what they are looking for and put yourself and your product in the path of their search. Defining your target market is easy. To do this, you need to understand your product and its benefits. Now find out what particular group of people are looking for those benefits and where they are looking. The Internet? Journals? your bet

Next, use your marketing tools (the phone, the Internet, etc…) to “place” yourself (position yourself) between your target market and the benefits they’re looking for.

Can I give you an example?

Suppose you are marketing a weight loss product. Their target market consists of people looking to lose weight. All you do is put yourself and your product in front of those people. A marketing training course will show you how to do this no matter what you’re marketing! Just make sure they are compliant and have a written guarantee if you decide to purchase a marketing course.

The key is to target people who are already looking for the benefits your product offers.


General health products

Juridical services

Identity Theft Protection



Learning marketing techniques like positioning will help you grow your business faster.

Remember that people love to buy from the experts!

The most important hat you can and should get your hands on is positioning. This is having a large number of prospects looking for you based on your experience. Because you are a professional or very good at what you do. When you can get in front of the masses, you are now positioning yourself. People come to you, instead of the other way around. This is really how giant companies grow. Period.

Just remember that you, yes you! You love to buy from experts, now put yourself in their shoes for your product and your business.

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