Health Fitness

Our energy production and your daily requirement

Our body requires energy for its metabolic and physiological functions. It derives energy from food and its macronutrients, that is, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The dietary energy intake from food must meet the requirements for the achievement and maintenance of optimal health, physiological function and well-being.

The energy requirement is the amount of dietary energy necessary to maintain body size, body composition, and a necessary level of physical activity consistent with good long-term health. The energy needs of the diet cannot be considered in isolation from other nutrients in the diet, since the lack of one will influence the others. Therefore, energy needs must be met by eating a diet that meets all nutrient needs.

Mitochondria are found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells, that is, cells with clearly defined nuclei. Its main function is to generate large amounts of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The number of mitochondria per cell varies widely.

ATP, the energy-carrying molecule, is found in the cells of all living things. When ATP is broken down, energy is released and can be used for cellular work. Because ATP is so easily broken down and reformed, ATP is like a rechargeable battery that powers cellular processes.

ATP is often referred to as the “currency molecular unit” of intracellular energy transfer. ATP captures the energy obtained from the breakdown of food and releases it to fuel cellular processes. Our body regenerates and recycles its own ATP equivalent body weight every day.

Daily energy requirements –

There are only small amounts of ATP in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to have sufficient energy reserves for backup. The amount of energy required daily depends on an individual’s daily energy consumption and metabolic energy needs, which depend on body weight and activity level.

The energy we get from food to fuel our bodies is measured in kilojoules. Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, found in food, provide energy.

The basic energy consumption of the human body is 4 kJ / kilogram of body weight per hour per day. Therefore, the basic energy consumption of an individual can be calculated as follows:

Total energy consumption = Body weight (kg) × 4 KJ × 24 hours / day / 4.18 kJ

The total value of energy consumption is divided by 4.18 kJ to convert the value in kilocalories (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ). This calculation represents the daily energy consumption.

Individual energy requirements vary with age, gender, body size, and activity levels. Excess food intake that is not used for energy can be stored in the body as fat. Excess fat storage can lead to a high body mass index (BMI).

BMI indicates a person’s body fat and is determined by a person’s height and weight. In adults, the suggested normal BMI ranges from 19 to 24. A high BMI can potentially lead to illness or health complications. To have an ideal BMI, an individual’s energy intake should not exceed the energy that is burned on a regular basis.

Energy balance –

Energy balance is the relationship between the calories that enter the body through food and drink and the calories that the body uses for our daily energy needs.

When you eat more calories than you consume, you have a positive energy balance. When you eat fewer calories than you consume, you have a negative energy balance. Your energy balance affects your metabolism, hormonal balance, and mood.

A negative energy balance leads to weight loss. The body detects an energy deficit and fat reserves must make up the difference. A positive energy balance has its own ramifications not only in terms of weight gain, but also in terms of health and fitness.

The conclusion –

The metabolic and physiological functions of our body require energy, which is produced from the food we eat. The mitochondria found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells generate large amounts of energy in the form of ATP. Our body generates its own ATP equivalent body weight each day. Individual energy requirements vary with age, gender, body size, and activity levels.

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