
Night sweats: common causes of night sweats

If you suffer from night sweats, chances are you often wake up in the middle of the night, with your sheets soaked with sweat. It can be very unpleasant, and worse, nightly interruptions can deprive you of the precious sleep your body needs to feel healthy and energized.

There are several types of night sweaters. One is the occasional night sweat that is not very severe, or even a more severe type of night sweat that occurs when a person has a psychologically intense sleep. There is nothing to worry about with this type of night sweat problem, and no treatment or remedy is necessary. If it bothers you, simple relaxation techniques can help you sleep more peacefully. Meditation, progressive relaxation, tai chi, qi gong, yoga, or other ways to calm your nerves can help reduce anxiety or stress. Also, avoid large meals before bed, don’t watch TV or, if you want, at least make it a funny comedy or a romantic love movie.

Another cause of night sweats can be generalized hyperhidrosis. If you also sweat a lot during the day, you may just have a general problem of excessive sweating. Some simple adjustments to your diet, lifestyle, and hygiene habits can help you reduce sweating to normal levels. For example, avoid eating spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, or other foods and drinks known to cause heavy sweating. One exception to that is green tea: Green tea makes you sweat more directly after drinking it for about three hours, but then sweat production normalizes.

For women, one of the most common causes of night sweats is the variety of hormonal changes their bodies experience during menopause or pregnancy. In these cases, it’s best to simply wear sweat-wicking nightgowns and always have a cool glass of water by your bed. This condition can be troublesome, but it will pass sooner than you think. There are also natural ways to deal with menopausal symptoms that can help reduce night sweats.

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