Arts Entertainments

Never give up, just change the approaches in your life

I had a close call in more ways than one, today. Some of those close calls were good news, and some of those close calls avoided really bad news with a minute of corrective action. My point? If we slip and do not definitely fall, it is always a second chance. Getting it right comes down to genuinely understanding what doesn’t work and always doing what really works.

The secret of that carpenter and preacher of the plains of Galilee: “As you believe, so you will be,” he hinted. What did he mean by that. Could it have meant a life of cause and effect and get the logical and genuine measure of your efforts and perseverance, no matter what it is? I honestly understand that he meant that on the deepest levels when he preached that line. If life defeats us, it is genuinely because we let it, if we win, we also cause that in the sense of understanding where we failed and doing it again in the right way later.

In fact, reality comes down to fit and not perfection on the first try. If we always got it right all the time, we would have nothing to gain, do, or live for. Even God is smart enough to make it interesting to God, and existence is an interesting game obstacle course anyway. Winning always feels good, but if you cheat or don’t win, most things feel like something’s missing. That is the difference that makes the difference. When I think about training and winning for what I really want, I really love the process as well as the result and it has to be that way if you really want something to mean everything to you in a good way.

I remember this older movie called “Click” about a man played by actor Adam Sandler who used a remote control to skip the “bad parts” of his life only to finally find out that he missed his entire life. Although it seemed like a “stupid little metaphor” from a movie, now I get the message. For things to mean something to us, we must love both the process and the result. I get it, and I hope you get it too.

I can use the quote “We all love to win, but who loves to coach?” much coined by Mark Spitz from the 1972 Olympics in Munich. But face it, to achieve it all, you must love both the process and the results.

Now, I don’t mean outright striving for perfection, but I do mean that perfection comes from enjoying the process, as well as enjoying the final accomplishments of the process, and always doing what you love to do, “warts.” , challenges and everything. as well as the nice points.

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