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Network Marketing Success Stories – Amway Legend – Bill Britt

Bill Britt, a competent city manager in Raleigh, North Carolina, had something missing in his life, and it wasn’t long before he was drawn to his own account.

His first attempt was a reported $10,000 flop, but his second… well, that’s part of the Legend of Network Marketing.

Bill Britt is quoted as saying:

“I got into this business for five reasons. Good reasons. The first was money. The second reason I got into was money. In fact, those were the five reasons.”

By all accounts, he did a lot of that; More than 2 million distributors have joined Amway as a result of Bill Britt, with countless millions more influenced by his training materials and systems.

Network Marketing Success?

Most of his fortune is attributed to his mentoring company Britt WorldWide, which sells CDs and training materials related to success in Amway and every other MLM opportunity. The audio of her comes as a recommended resource for Amway distributors who pay for autoship to receive the training.


Bill Britt, like most longtime success stories, has been embroiled in his fair share of alleged trouble, endured affair rumors, divorce rumors and marital problems, business trouble rumors and even being a part of various scams. I’m not going to delve further into any of these, because they’re simply not relevant to this article.

How did Bill Britt achieve such great success at Amway?

Bill Britt can be considered a pioneer of network marketing systems and training techniques, which he pioneered in the 1960s and 1970s, but in the late 1960s and 1970s, there wasn’t the abundance of information and training that we have today, thank you. largely to the lack of Internet.

30 and 40 years ago, Network Marketing prospecting consisted of:

* Meetings at home

* Meetings in hotels

* Weekend training

At the time this was probably considered cutting edge, after all these techniques used to work, but as time goes on things change. People don’t read the ‘newspaper’ that often, they go online to look for news. People don’t send as many letters or postcards; They send email and instant messages.

We do not buy or sell locally, or in the newspaper, we post on Craigslist and eBay.

the internet age

The old approach with which Bill Britt built a gigantic network marketing organization doesn’t work to the same effect as it did 30 years ago.

Today’s leading gold prospectors and team builders harness information and technology, harnessing the power of the Internet to communicate with thousands of qualified prospects; people who are already looking for what you have to offer.

Online Network Marketing

Yet, like the Amway Legend, today’s best network marketing success stories are still systems-based, only now they harness technology and the Internet to communicate their message, build relationships with their prospects, and even onboard. to those prospects in your primary opportunity.

These same systems can be taught to your team, allowing them to do exactly what you are doing and attract leads and prospects of their own to build their own business.

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