Lifestyle Fashion

Methods to increase breast size

Most women are aware of the size or shape of their breasts. While no pill can permanently enlarge breast size, milk thistle or blessed thistle and fenugreek are common natural herbs used to temporarily add size and curvature to breast tissue. Exercise, lifestyle changes, and weight gain can also enlarge breasts without surgery. Here are some methods to increase the size of your breasts without surgery.

1. If you are thin or underweight, consider gaining weight to increase the overall curve of your figure. Weight gain can also improve and improve your overall health if you are excessively thin.

2. Practice or do chest exercises routinely. The classic push-up is an easy and well-known exercise that targets the muscles below the breasts directly. Consult or speak with a personal trainer, if necessary, to help you improve the strength and size of your pectoral muscles.

3. Stop smoking cigarettes and consuming coffee. Smoking has been linked to sagging breast tissue, and caffeine can rob the breast tissue of fluids due to its effect as a diuretic drug.

4. After consulting with your doctor, take fenugreek and milk thistle supplements. These herbs, applied or used for decades to increase breast milk production in lactating women, include estrogen-like compounds that increase breast size.

5. If you decide not to take natural herbs to increase the size of your breasts, talk to your doctor about birth control pills that contain estrogen. Although progesterone-only contraceptives (such as the Mirena intrauterine device and the minipill) do not increase breast size, the so-called combination pill may.

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