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Is it safe to take Dong Quai during pregnancy?

Dong Quai has been popularly used within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years and the West is now catching up on the safety and health benefits of this plant during pregnancy. It is a favorite in Chinese women’s health formulas and is highly regarded as the “supreme root for women.” It has also earned a reputation as the “ultimate feminine tonic” and the “ultimate herb for women.” With titles as powerful and compelling as these, the question arises, “Is Dong Quai safe to take during pregnancy?”

The first is the first…

What is Dongquai?

Dong Quai literally means “must come back”. In Chinese herbology, this is so called because it is believed that by taking this herb, energy and blood will return and be restored without disorder.

comes from the apiaceae family, or more commonly known as the celery, carrot or parsley family. The plant is native to China, Japan and Korea and grows in the high mountains of the cold and humid regions of these countries. It is distinguished by its small white umbrella-like flowers that bloom from May to August and bear fruit between July and August.

Other common names and spellings include: angelica sinensis (Latin name and botanical); chinese angelica; damn gui; tang kuei and tan kue bai zhi.

What are the medicinal uses?

The entire root is considered beneficial, and in traditional Chinese medicine, different sections of the root are believed to provide different “actions.” The upper part of the root has anticoagulant (blood thinning) properties, the middle part of the root is used as a tonic, and the lower part is used to dispel stagnant patterns of blood.

Dong Quai has been widely used to restore health and balance the body in most cycles and rhythms of life for women, but it is equally beneficial for men as well. It is used essentially before and after menstruation due to its antispasmodic properties to relieve uncomfortable “time of the month” cramps and helps replenish blood levels after your period ends.

Dong Quai can also be used to treat foods such as:

  • balance hormones and promote a regular menstrual cycle in women who have stopped using birth control.
  • absence of periods (amenorrhea).
  • vaginal dryness
  • weakness after childbirth, as it can help strengthen the reproductive organs, ovaries, and uterus.
  • eliminating blood stagnation and dissolving blood clots. This is due to its high levels of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin A, iron, folate, calcium, and zinc, to name a few.
  • regulate blood sugars.
  • increasing blood circulation and production of red blood cells.
  • increase fertility in both men and women.
  • arthritis due to its antirheumatic properties. A topical press can be done to deeply penetrate reducing inflammation, relieving aches and pains by drawing out toxins, and stimulating circulation to relieve pressure in the area.
  • fight and resist diseases due to its antifungal actions.

Is it safe to take during pregnancy?

In TCM, while Dong Quai is highly recommended for all aspects of the female body cycle, it is not recommended during pregnancy. My mother, who is a huge supporter of this herb from a very young age, refused to take this herb while she was pregnant! BECAUSE?

She was taught that in the past, traditional Chinese medicine midwives used the herb to induce labor in women who were “behind” their term. Therefore, the same principle was applied to those who were in the early stages of pregnancy and it was considered that its use was not safe. In modern research, some evidence has shown that Dong Quai can stimulate the uterus and cause contractions, thereby increasing the risk of miscarriage or premature labor.

Due to its anticoagulant (blood thinning) properties, it may increase the risk of bleeding. During pregnancy, this risk may be higher. It should not be taken with blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, heparin, and warfarin, as this could also increase the chances of bleeding.

According to the National Institutes of Health, a case study of a pregnant woman who took a combination of herbal medicines (Dong Quai being one of them), then gave birth to a baby who was born with some serious birth defects. Medical professionals believed that the herbs were to blame. However, this is not clear enough to suggest that Dong Quai alone could have this effect.

Pregnant women should take precautions when taking high doses of Dong Quai, as this can cause photosensitivity (sensitivity to sunlight) and increase the risk of skin cancer, especially in those with fair skin. Special care should be taken when combining with St. John’s wort, as it is also an herb known to increase photosensitivity.

Dong Quai may interfere with other herbs, such as ginger, which some women take to help relieve morning sickness during pregnancy. Supervision is recommended when other herbs are combined with Dong Quai. These include:-

  • chinese skullcap (skullcap baicalensis)
  • feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium/Tanacetum parthenium)
  • Garlic (allium sativa)
  • ginkgo (ginkgo biloba)
  • ginseng (panax ginseng)
  • licorice (glycyrrhiza glabra)
  • Turmeric (turmeric longa)

worth considering

Although herbs are the most natural alternative to chemically laden pharmaceutical drugs, care should be taken if you decide to implement them into your lifestyle. In all cultures, herbs have been used medicinally for many centuries, but much remains to be discovered and learned. Some herbs may be more beneficial or harmful from one person to another, and if you have an underlying medical condition, extra care should be taken. If you have any serious health problems, you should always consult your healthcare professional or an experienced herbalist before self-administering herbs.


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