
Is it more difficult to conceive a boy or a girl?

If you’re reading this article, I’m going to assume that you want to conceive a baby and that you have a specific gender on your wish list. This article will focus on the variables needed to conceive a girl or a boy and how to manipulate them using natural and inexpensive methods at home. Although it is possible to choose the sex of your baby at an expensive gender selection clinic, my personal experience is based on natural methods.

Differences in difficulty between conceiving a boy or a girl: Statistically speaking, the odds are about equal, giving you about a 50/50 chance for either gender, but this doesn’t tell the whole story. Having boys or girls can run in families and there may be a reason for this, which I will get to later. However, due to the characteristics of the female (X) and male (Y) sperm chromosomes, it may take longer or require more planning to conceive one sex/gender over the other, but it is never impossible.

Characteristics of the sperm chromosomes of a girl (X) versus a boy (Y): When a couple is trying to conceive, a man’s sperm contains chromosomes that will result in either a girl (X) or a boy (Y). However, there are numerous factors that will influence which chromosome containing the sperm will reach the egg and fertilize it first. Male sperm are faster, but not as resistant as female sperm. Female sperm are slower, but can survive much longer in hostile (acidic) conditions. You can use these factors to his advantage when trying to choose the gender of your baby.

Variables you can manipulate to help you have a son or a daughter: There are actually three main variables that you can influence/control when trying to conceive a boy or a girl. These are: the time in your ovulation cycle when you are trying to conceive (earlier will favor a girl, as these sperm can survive longer); intercourse/sex positions you use when trying to conceive (closer to the cervix for a boy, further away for a girl); and the vaginal environment / PH that the sperm encounter when trying to reach the egg (acid for a girl, alkaline for a boy).

So which sex/gender is harder to conceive of?: Well, that depends on the state of the already existing variables mentioned above. If the mom-to-be is naturally acidic (easy to determine with test strips) and wants a boy, she’ll first need to alter her PH through special douching and/or by eating very diligently and avoiding specific foods to get into the “boy zone.” “. Similarly, if she is naturally alkaline and wants a girl, the same is true. This natural inclination to be acidic or alkaline may be one of the reasons why having boys or girls can run in families. However, this is very possible to rectify so that the cycle stops.

Similarly, if a couple is determined to have a girl, it’s best to try to conceive before ovulating, which leaves a few fertile days on the table until next month. However, the same is true if you want a boy, since you have to wait more in the month to start trying.

As you can see, whether you are trying to conceive a boy or a girl, all the variables can be changed to create the scenario that will foster the daughter or son you want. Depending on your situation, one is not necessarily more difficult than the other. It just takes some very specific knowledge about your fertility/ovulation cycle and your unique PH/vaginal environment. Once you have this information, with careful planning and following the instructions, your efforts that might last only a few months could well be rewarded with the son or daughter you will enjoy for a lifetime.

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