
Inside Kenya – The Agikuyu Tribe

The history of the Agikuyu people has been passed down from generation to generation. The younger generation of Agikuyu should be grateful and grateful to the older generation for having passed down the ways of the Agikuyu people from their beginnings and ways of life through word of mouth.

Agikuyu’s first parents, that is, Gikuyu and Mumbi lived in Mukurwe-ini wa Gathanga (a place that is on the border of Murang’a and Nyeri. Gikuyu and Mumbi called God “Mwene -Nyaga” because they believed that He used Living in Kirinyaga Mountain, every time they prayed they looked in the direction of Kirinyaga Mountain (now Mount Kenya).

One question is whether God created Gikuyu in that very place Mukurwe-ini wa Gathanga or whether he was brought there from some other place. This is a difficult question because even the older generation knows that Gikuyu and Mumbi lived in Mukurwe-ini wa Gathanga and they didn’t know if they had ever lived elsewhere.

The whole story about the origins of the Agikuyu people shows that when people began to live in this world, it is the same time that God gave the Earth to Gikuyu as it was and God made Kirinyaga his place of residence.

Gikuyu was shown where he will live in Mukurwe-ini era Gathanga and ordered that whenever he needed something, all he had to do was offer a sacrifice, praising God as he raised his hands to Kirinyaga and in doing so. GIkuyu would be given everything he needed.

History shows that the people of Agikuyu are Bantus. In Africa there are other Bantus such as the Ataita, Agiriama, Apokomo and Abaluhya. In Tanzania we have Achaga, in Uganda we have Buganda and in South Africa we have Zulus.

In the Old Testament in the book of Exodus, the people of Israel prayed to God in the Mountains as they did on Mount Sinai. They also used to offer sacrifices by killing animals like sheep and using the blood to offer the sacrifices.

The way of life of the people of Israel has similarities with that of the Agikuyu people and that is why we see that all the people around the world were created in the same place and then spread out.

Mukurwe wa Gathanga is a place that is located on the border of Murang’a and Nyeri. It is a very popular place because it is where Gikuyu and Mumbi gave birth to their children.

Gikuyu had ten daughters and nine of the ten were married, except for one who became pregnant out of wedlock. The ten daughters gave birth to their sons who today are associated with their mother’s name.

The daughters with a name are Wanjiru, Wambui, Wangari, and Wanjiku. Those with two names are Wanjeri or Waceera, Nyambura or Wakiuru, Wangeci or Waithera, Wairimu or Gathigia, Wangui or Waithiegeni and Wamuyu or Warigia.

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