Arts Entertainments

I am proud of my very large penis

People take pride in all sorts of things. Some take pride in their jobs, their marriages, their gardening… Virtually every aspect of life gives us the opportunity to feel pride.

When people have that feeling and that feeling of “pride”, it’s a very satisfying and warm feeling. It’s one of those special feelings that you can’t really understand unless you’ve experienced it yourself. It’s almost like you’re a child and someone you admire and trust, like a parent, pats you on the back and tells you what a good job you’ve done. We have all experienced that when we were younger. We usually put a smile on our beaming faces for the rest of the day and feel very proud of ourselves, especially when we receive compliments.

As I mentioned in the title of this article: “I am very proud of my big penis.” This is because my penis was compromised at some point due to its size. Having a small penis is like having this scary dark cloud following you wherever you go.

It’s not so bad when we’re younger. This is usually because we haven’t been introduced to any other penis, so there’s really no one else to compare to our own size. Then we are introduced to the school locker rooms, we watch some adult movies and the women laugh when they see our size for the first time. That’s when the dark cloud of having a small penis really starts to settle. It’s something we’re all desperate to get away from, but it seems impossible.

The more we worry and worry about our size, it only manifests as more penis anxiety. It’s something I doubt women can really understand. It’s like that feeling of pride we were talking about. It’s a feeling you can’t really “feel” unless you’ve really felt it.

Like I said, I’m proud of my big penis. This is because I stopped feeling sorry for myself and realized that if we can launch rockets into space, build nuclear bombs, create microchips and fly halfway around the world in twelve hours, then by God I should be able to make my penis bigger. . .

And I did it.

That’s why I’m proud of the size of my penis. But I feel even more pride because I did not give up on my quest to enlarge my penis.

Here’s how it went for me: first the pills, then the patches… Hmmmm… Maybe this herbal blend works because it’s “natural”? Or why not try one of those penis pumps… Of course, I’ll probably feel like a jerk for sitting down to inflate my penis, but maybe this method will work.

No tricks needed. This is not Halloween, this is enlarging your penis. The no “gimmick” approach I discovered was “Penis Exercise”. I was introduced to the concept and began to study it. So I started working with these techniques. I must admit that I was a bit lazy at first and didn’t even have the sense to measure myself properly when I started exercising my penis.

It was a half-hearted attempt to try one last thing to enlarge my penis; but I stayed with it. And interestingly enough, I thought I might actually see some progress in my size. It seemed like it was getting bigger.

After so many disappointments, I hardly expected anything. But it seemed like I was getting bigger… I almost didn’t want to believe it… I felt like it was probably just my mind playing “tricks” on me.

Great, now I have even more tricks to deal with!

But my mind was not prepared for any kind of deception. I really was starting to get bigger. She would hardly accept or admit it at first. But yeah, I was getting bigger!

That’s when all hell breaks loose, guys. Because when you start to see that these techniques are REALLY producing results, then you will want to spend day and night enlarging your penis!

The reason for this is that you say to yourself, “Hell, if I could enlarge my penis by half an inch in two months, without trying so hard, then what can I do in three more months if I really try?”

Do you know how exciting it is to feel like this?

I developed penis enlargement fever. I became a penis enlargement maniac. I was overwhelmed by the greed to enlarge the penis. I just couldn’t get enough!

Yes, I am proud of my big penis because:

1 – I made the decision to change my life by enlarging my penis

2 – I didn’t throw in the towel and gave up

3 – I did all the work myself

Trust me, it’s something to be very proud of.

If you have a small penis, do yourself a favor and enlarge it too. It is truly a feeling that you will want to experience and that will change your life.


George von Neumann

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