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I aim to get closer to my New Years resolutions and daily goals as a marathon runner, not a sprinter.

When you make a New Years Resolution, or set a goal, do you approach the journey like a hare or a tortoise? As you venture down the road to your final destination, do you sprint or do you prefer to run a marathon? Personally, I am a marathon runner when it comes to my dreams, purposes, and daily goals. Some talented people can race to the finish line with quick and incredible results. I, on the other hand, am happier traveling the distance one small step at a time, one day at a time, at my own turtle pace because I finally realized that “it really is the journey, not the destination, that it really is important to us. ” me. “I credit my middle-class, Midwest upbringing (and my steadfast and wise parents) with my patience, practicality, and willingness to work hard. That patience, along with perseverance and passion, throughout the years. Years, they have allowed me to continue with my dreams well beyond the time when many would have given up and moved on. Call me stubborn, but that perseverance, that is, patience, has paid off big in my dreams.

Over the course of the past five years, as I’ve studied and tested what ‘works and doesn’t work’ for decision-making and compliance, I’ve continually revolved around the notion that good, old-fashioned common sense is of great help. Much of “what has worked” for me is simple and straightforward. You don’t need rocket science or complicated formulas. . . What it takes is a dream that you have great passion for and a fierce belief that you have what it takes to be successful.

Are here 10 common sense tips, which can lead to success with dreams, purposes and daily goals:

  1. Dare to dream: Open your mind to the infinite possibilities. Introspection and research can pay huge dividends: discover and contemplate the “who, what, when, where, why and how” of your dream from the start; Then keep your plans simple and realistic, focus on only one life-changing dream at a time.
  2. Decided: When you get to the ‘A-HA’ moment, that fabulous moment where you know what to do, make a firm decision to ‘go for it’ with everything you have. Loitering or quitting smoking is not allowed.
  3. Define: In a concise sentence, specify what you intend to achieve, how you intend to get to the finish line, and why you are entering the race.
  4. Develop a plan: Dreams are huge and overwhelming. A well thought out ‘written plan’ with clear and simple steps, deadlines and a timeline will allow you to proceed methodically, with confidence because you have a system, a process, a game plan that will take you from start to finish.
  5. Do it daily: Take one small step at a time, one day at a time, for a year. Make your passions ‘Resolutions for Life’ that are with you forever, not just something you do and cross off the list!
  6. Don’t procrastinate: Just show up and do something every day, especially the days when you are least motivated. Those days are great obstacles. Every obstacle you cross will bring you closer to your destination, and that day’s job could turn out to be the best of your life!
  7. Don’t give in to fear: Fear and doubt are “dream killers” because they cloud your judgment and rob you of optimism and positive thoughts. Give fear and doubt a boost by “getting busy” and producing new results and a new sense of accomplishment every day.
  8. Don’t be discouraged: Progress can be painfully slow and obstacles more abundant than victories. Keep track of tasks and milestones carefully, in writing, so you can celebrate your victories and take credit for overcoming obstacles one by one.
  9. Do not get bored: Renew and revise your plan frequently, injecting new life at every juncture of the journey. Have a little fun!
  10. Do not give up: Patience, passion, perseverance and perseverance will help you get through it. You may have to “start over” many, many times, but the key to success is being willing and committed to “starting over” as many times as necessary.

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